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…With rye toast and marmalade, Metropolis Spice Island roast coffee. I’m starting work on the second floor today, so I elected to prepare a special breakfast commemorating the ribbon cutting ceremony, as it were. Also, cooking is more fun than drywalling.

So today is the Chicago Pride Parade.  It’s been in the news a lot recently not only because it’s kind of a big deal every year, but this year marks 40 years since the Stonewall Riots. Here’s the thing: I had no idea what the Stonewall Riots were.  So I googled it to find out.  […]

Natto for breakfast! Hooray! (It is kinda weird eating it with a fork. Need to get some chopsticks.) # Faux moussaka was good, albeit tardy. Natto+garlic+cumin+pepper=awesome, but natto alone already=awesome, so…? # The dog is chasing a fly around the apartment, biting at it. I hope he catches it; it's really loud. # This is […]

Natto for breakfast! Hooray! (It is kinda weird eating it with a fork. Need to get some chopsticks.) # Faux moussaka was good, albeit tardy. Natto+garlic+cumin+pepper=awesome, but natto alone already=awesome, so…? # The dog is chasing a fly around the apartment, biting at it. I hope he catches it; it's really loud. # This is […]

After yesterday’s trip to Mitsuwa, I was stoked to be able to have natto for breakfast.  I haven’t had natto nearly as much  as I’d like in the past few months, so I bought three packs at the store.  I’ve already eaten 2/3 of the first pack; I wish I had bought a ton more, […]

What's happening in Iran is not awesome. Its terrible. Ill tweet about it. Thaat should help… Whew… I feel better already.. No… … # The delegate from American Samoa wears a turquoise bolo tie? Since when is American Samoa in New Mexico? (I'm watching C-SPAN!) # Man. Kickball kicked my… Idk. We got mercy-ruled. We […]

What's happening in Iran is not awesome. Its terrible. Ill tweet about it. Thaat should help… Whew… I feel better already.. No… … # The delegate from American Samoa wears a turquoise bolo tie? Since when is American Samoa in New Mexico? (I'm watching C-SPAN!) # Man. Kickball kicked my… Idk. We got mercy-ruled. We […]