Pride Parade

Sunday , 28, June 2009 2 Comments

So today is the Chicago Pride Parade.  It’s been in the news a lot recently not only because it’s kind of a big deal every year, but this year marks 40 years since the Stonewall Riots.

Here’s the thing: I had no idea what the Stonewall Riots were.  So I googled it to find out.  (Relevent result: here.)

What was more interesting to me was the Google result page.  Here’s a screenshot:


Notice anything?  The dividing line between the header and the results section?  It’s not usually like that.  I thought maybe Google had changed all the results pages to have the rainbow, and I assumed they’d have a special Google Doodle for the day.  Not the case.  I did a handful of searches, and I got the rainbow divider for “gay pride“, “pride parade“, and just plain old “gay“.   Anyhow, I always get a kick out of finding little easter-egg type things online;  they make otherwise boring web-surfing a tad bit more interesting.

2 thoughts on “ : Pride Parade”
  • Tony says:

    Fabulous find. I would be more proud if Google would’ve had a rainbow icon. Alas, a year-round subtle prop to the gays will have to do.

  • brs says:

    alas, it’s not a subtle year-round prop. i just checked the results again today, and it’s back to the plain blue line. oh well, it was fun while it lasted.