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Word # I just saw a PopTart ad suggesting they be served as the “bread” on an ice cream sandwich. Ill stick to the taco-stuffed lobster. #

“Remarkable” is the weakest adjective ever. #

It used to just be a wall! The oven is gonna go on the left where the drill is.

Joe cut my hair, said I sounded Irish, tried to sell me a bike, made my ears look gigantic. All around good time. # Tornado watch! Get to your basements! # Man. Lost. What a show. # A spider got caught in some fresh paint at my house and died. Justice. #

Crosswords and coffee. I love Sundays. # @ccbayer I think its called a cuatro. National instrument of Puerto Rico # “There’s raisins in this koala sauce!”- Putrid’s commentary on the cole slaw. # I think I have more spammy twitter folowers than I have actual people followers. # @ccbayer. Sweet stoneage lifestyle. Do you also […]

Renting the tile ripper- best idea I ever had. Not renting it until I ws half way done doing it by hand- worst idea I ever had.