
Friday , 16, March 2007 3 Comments

For those of you with inordinate interest in the boring things that I do/have done, I’ve decided to import my old brettlog posts into this site. The old blog was… well, I guess a lot more live-journal-esque. Not that that’s bad, but it’s… well, it’s something else. Anyhow, you’ll see that the archive is suddenly much, much longer than this site’s been registered. If you look at some of the older posts, you will even see that the brettlog was a victim of some pretty terrible spam. I didn’t realize that it had a lot of comment spam, because I haven’t looked at it in awhile. Apparently the spammers still want to know how I spent the summer of 2004, etc. I’ve been trying to delete all the old spam comments, but there were literally thousands of spam comments, so they take awhile to get deleted. It’s fun though- now my entire blog-existence is documented here. Fantastic.

3 thoughts on “ : Brettlog”
  • colin says:

    did you do this manually? or did you do bring it in via RSS

  • brs says:

    The brettlog used GreyMatter for blog software, and Word Press has an importer script for Grey Matter (and for a bunch of other popular blog software.) Remember I don’t code anything myself! It’s either steal or ask for help from someone.

  • colin says:

    truuuuuuuuuue true true

    why reinvent the wheel.