Daily Archives: March 16, 2007 @ 11:56 pm

This is pretty obviously a rainbow. I am testing out my blog-by-email feature on the website.

Someone just sent me a blank text message! Come on now! I’m gonna have to pull that car over if everyone doesn’t behave!

For those of you with inordinate interest in the boring things that I do/have done, I’ve decided to import my old brettlog posts into this site. The old blog was… well, I guess a lot more live-journal-esque. Not that that’s bad, but it’s… well, it’s something else. Anyhow, you’ll see that the archive is suddenly […]

So the trial run worked! I had a bit of a problem, and thought for a second that i destroyed my entire site… But all appears in working order. Hooray!

I forgot to mention that I decided to end my fast today.  Or break it, I should say.  One commenter, who I suspect doesn’t like the idea that I’m doing the cleanse in the first place, suggested that seven days was plenty and I agreed.  So the cleanse is over.  This morning I went to […]

You might kill someone if you listen to them.  Because listening to terrible rap makes you kill people. For more in-depth analysis, head on over to Tiny Mix Tapes… Seriously though, that band does suck…  but that’s annoying.  The whole music->killing people…  It’s more like..  (Nearly everything else in the world that could possibly go […]

In the documentary about the Minutemen, We Jam Econo, Mike Watt spends a lot of time driving around San Pedro, telling stories about the band.  At one point he explains the album Double Nickels On the Dime as being a reference to Sammy Hagar’s “I can’t drive 55”.  He said they saw Hagar as a […]

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