Insane Clowns on LSD

Tuesday , 13, March 2007 1 Comment

So iTunes is a pretty great program, I can’t fault it for that. I’ve been doing a lot of musical goofing around today, including download MusicIP, which is a really cool program. You tell it a song you like, and it will make a mix with similiar songs.

Today I picked the song “Mi Primer Millon” by Bacilos and had it made a mix. I was looking through the results, and for the most part they looked like it would be a good mix- good party music, etc. That song is a fun, upbeat number. Good summertime music, and today feels like summer time.

As I looked more through the mix that it made, though, I saw a terrible problem. One of the songs it included in the mix was “Totally Insane” by Insane Clown Posse. I was a little bit… totally pissed! Why did I have an Insane Clown Posse song on my computer? That’s terrible! Who is responsible?!? Luckily, I was able to look at the actual name of the file, not the name from the metadata in the file. It was not ICP, thankfully, but a song called “Insane” by RKL. Yes, RKL is infinitely more respectable than ICP. INFINITELY. And it’s really important too, cause was turned on. I wouldn’t want someone casually going to my site and thinking I was a juggalo. Seriously, I can’t imagine something more embarrassing. I nipped in the bud, so to speak, and the problem is solved. It was a close call though.

Sidenote: Apparently people who like ICP like this. What the heck?

One thought on “ : Insane Clowns on LSD”
  • Pearl says:

    You are confusing me!