Master Cleansing!

Friday , 9, March 2007 1 Comment

So I’ve decided to do it again. Last year, I did the master cleanse for about ten days and it was awesome, so I thought I would do it again. After spending the two weeks on vacation where I got a decent amount of exercise (sorta- I was in the sun, which feels like exercise after the winter in Chicago) and a good tan, and ate pretty well, I thought I would try to keep that good health vibe going here. It’s pretty easy for me to, oh I don’t know, eat an entire pizza, or a dozen potatoes, or, most likely, a 30-pack of Old Style, sleep until 3pm the next day, and then repeat. Especially since I’m not working right now, it’s all the more easy to push the limits of laziness.

So back on the cleanse! For those that don’t know, it’s a pretty retarded diet thing where you basically only drink lemonade for a long time, along with laxative tea and lots and lots of water. The idea is that you’re cleansing “toxins” from your body. I’m a bit skeptical of the existence of vague “toxins”, and lot’s of what I’ve heard and read about the cleanse is obviously bologna. So, why do it if I kinda think it’s stupid? Well, it’s kinda fun, first of all. That sounds kinda silly, but I kind of enjoy it. It’s also good to spend a week not eating, cause it really helps to think about how much your normally put in your body and gives you a little perspective. Also, going a week without booze is pretty much a good idea for anyone. Finally, the lemonade mixture you make is pretty good. (If you wan’t to try it out, here’s the recipe for a gallon of it: 44 oz. distilled water, 10 oz. fresh squeezed lemon juice from organic lemons, 10 oz. grade B organic maple syrep, 2 1/4 tsp. ground Cayenne pepper. It’s seriously tasty. Like a virgin bloody mary with lemonade.)

Some people write really funny blogs while they go through the cleanse, but I’m not good at that. It doesn’t really inspire any intense feelings in me- it’s just really boring. It was easier last time I did it cause I was at work the entire time, and I usually don’t eat at work anyhow. When I got home, I just read some Murakami books. I think I finished three in about a week. Now that I’m just sitting at home anyways, I’ve found myself watching new, terrible shows on, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I’ve really cleaned a lot!

One thought on “ : Master Cleansing!”
  • aa says:

    brett, brett, brett,
