What preposition…

Saturday , 3, March 2007 Leave a comment

Obviously, today I am just sorta blogging for blogging’s sake.  That said, I was reading Drudge and the headline says that the Scotter Libby jury “Ask For Definition to ‘Reasonable Doubt'”.  I think he should have chose “Definition of…”  I’m not really being nitpicky… I mean, I am, but only because it threw me off and then I got all confused.  I thought it should be “Definition for” at first, but I think of is more appropriate.  I suspect that either I am being silly and “Definition to” is perfectly appropriate, or Drudge was kinda thinking it should follow a pattern like this:  You ask a question, a question has an answer, that answer is the answer to that question.  So I think the word “ask” is what led to the inappropriate to, but like I said, I’m probably totally off base.  Why I even bothered to post about something I’m so unsure of?  Because I am blogging for blogging’s sake.

Also, I think I’ve inconsistenly used italics and quotation marks throughout this teeny little post.  Oh well.  I’m going to pretend that this belongs in the Politics category.