Blog Archives

I’m gong to go way out on a limb here, but I say if McCain wins New York, it’s all over. Also, I can’t wait for tonight, but more than that, I can’t wait for tomorrow.  And next week.  And any time where I can read the ol’ internet and not read exclusively about the […]

Polls, bahblahblah, polls. One thing I’ve been curious about is what states will have the widest margins of victory for either candidate.  I kept going back and forth between New York and Illinois, which had been going back and forth for biggest Obama margin.  What I never checked, however, was Hawaii.  While Illinois and New […]

Via Drudge, the NY Post publishes a guide for watching tomorrow’s events here.

Since I actually thought about taxes the other day, I’ve happened across a fair amount of articles that talk about taxes, especially graduated income taxes, mostly framed around McCain calling Obama a socialist.  Just a few things. First, from Slate, quoting Teddy Roosevelt: We grudge no man a fortune in civil life if it is […]

With the economy being the economy, the whole money thing has been quite talkaboutable.  I never really thought much about taxes, but I guess our minds are on are money and our money is on or minds like it wasn’t this summer.  Obama, before the las debate, talked bout how he wanted to “spread the […]