Election Prediction

Tuesday , 4, November 2008 Leave a comment

I’m gong to go way out on a limb here, but I say if McCain wins New York, it’s all over.

Also, I can’t wait for tonight, but more than that, I can’t wait for tomorrow.  And next week.  And any time where I can read the ol’ internet and not read exclusively about the election.

I got my ticket to the Democratic Party tonight.  Hahaha.  I also got invited to a Republican Party at a bar the other day.  Funny.

Anyhow, the real thing I wanted to post was some pictures of population cartograms.  They’re probably pretty easy to understand, but the idea is that the areas of states or transformed to reflect their population.

That was is pretty simple, created by the Census (pdf).  The Center for the Study of Complex Systems not only has a sweet name, but also has a handful of really awesome maps, also.   This one might be my favorite:

Really mandatory checking out.  It’s awesome.  A Google Image search also has a handful of good results.  Man.  Doing stuff with data is sweet.