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Another big day! We woke up in our cabin in the Karoo and set out on a little hike around the farm.  The temps were supposed to be in the high 100s (but luckily a dry scorchingly unbearable heat.), so we got up early to try to avoid that.  But of course, we didn’t and it […]

Okay!  Our time in the booming metropolis is ending, and our time driving begins!  We’ve got a long day today, so we get up early and call an Uber to take us to the Avis location.  Unfortunately, the Uber driver gets a flat immediately outside our apartment, so we had to get another car. The […]

After spending a few days in Cape Town, we ventured out of the city with a tour company to check out Cape Point, which our guide was careful to point out was the most southwesterly point of Africa; Cape Algulhas is actually the southern most point.  We wouldn’t be making it there, despite someone’s fascination with […]

Day 4!  Really more like  a Day 2, honestly, but I’m sticking to the numbering system we already set up. Today was a little bit…  real?  We started off around 9 am with a tour of the Langa towship with Chippa of Siviwe Tours.  We’d been told (and we now agree) that a township tour […]

We had prepared a pretty extensive itinerary for the trip- literally every meal, every grocery store trip, every little thing.  The first day was our first chance to decide that maybe we over-planned and maybe we could just go with the flow. But we didn’t!  We totally stuck to the plan, eating at the super […]

So a case  could be made for not actually needing to have included posts for the day we left and the day we spent flying through the air, across an ocean and past the equator.  But we’re maximalists. The flights were long and boring, but we made it.  We wore pajamas for the flight to […]