Day 2: More Travelling, but Capetown!

Friday , 13, January 2017 Leave a comment

So a case  could be made for not actually needing to have included posts for the day we left and the day we spent flying through the air, across an ocean and past the equator.  But we’re maximalists.

The flights were long and boring, but we made it.  We wore pajamas for the flight to Amsterdam, which was fine until there wasn’t enough time to change before landing and we had to walk through the airport looking like…  well, Americans, I suppose.  We made it to Cape Town, got into a cab without much trouble, and made it to our Airbnb.

Our place was right downtown.  We got a little nervous when the cab driver warned us about what a bad area it was and how most tourists don’t stay there for a reason.  Whooops!  But the place was cool and it used old style keys, which felt quaint and fancy at the same time.  Anyhoo, fun stuff starts tomorrow!

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