The Party’s Party’s Over: Fort William to Glasgow.

Sunday , 21, July 2013 Leave a comment
Ubiquitous Chip.  Photo Credit: Some dude in the restaurant.

Ubiquitous Chip. Photo Credit: Some dude in the restaurant.

Last photos from the group portion of the trip. Basically just a train trip to Glasgow. Cool.

What were the highlights of this portion? Being well-rested on the train was great, everyone was in high spirits and the scenery was great. In Glasgow, Brendan and I immediately went to TGI Friday’s where I drank a Budweiser. We then went to another bar with an 80s themed dance area on the second floor. IT was closed, but Brendan charmed his way in just so he could check it out and get some pictures. Because Brendan is awesome.

Afterwards, we went to a great restaurant in the West End of Glasgow, followed by some farewell drinks at the hotel bar. Unfortunately/awesomely, it devolved into a “What else can we mix with Irn Bru?!?!” sort of a night, but it was fun. Everyone left the next morning, and then I was back on my own. Three more posts to follow, I think. Glasgow, Belfast, and Bray. Get excited.