Men About Town… Specifically, Us About Fort William.

Saturday , 20, July 2013 Leave a comment

View from Highland Hotel.

View from Highland Hotel.

So Fort William is a great place to spend an afternoon. Possibly not the best place to spend an afternoon and two evenings and part of a morning, but hey, how would you know that until you’d done it? Or until you’d read this, which until recently, wasn’t even possible.

After we got to town on Friday afternoon, we pretty much immediately began making plans for dinner. Fort William being a rather touristy town, there were a lot of options, though most were hotel restaurants or pubs, and we’d had plenty of haggis and burgers, so we wanted something different. Unfortunately, that led us to choose what turned out to be the place with the poorest service we’d had, but nbd. The food was fine enough- I got some ravioli. The biggest victim was dessert, which we opted to skip in the interest of not waiting several hours.

My dad left dinner while we were waiting (again, interminably) for the check, and he successfully convinced a candy shop to reopen for us to get gelato. (Spellcheck doesnt like that word.) After, some of us went and played darts, which I didn’t realize how much I missed/liked/had gotten terrible at. Barhopping followed. Hooray.

The next day we had plans to go up Ben Nevis, but the temperature and crowds ultimately dissuaded us. Instead, we took a boat ride around the loch, wandered around the city, and just generally enjoyed not being on a trail with a backpack. At five days, it was rather a short hike, really, but nonetheless I really enjoyed just wearing sneakers and jeans for the day.

That night we ate at a really great place with actually responsive service, which put us all in a good mood. More wandering around town followed, and we capped the night with a pleasant chat at the hotel, followed by more darts! Man, what a game.