Do You Want to Buy a Duck?

Thursday , 4, August 2011 1 Comment

Man!  Sorry it’s been awhile since I rapped at ya..

Anyone remember that columnist from the Onion?  That dude was cool.

So class is good.  Three hours in the morning, lunch break, then more class, or lectures, or tours or whatnot.

I’ve watched two Estonian movies this week.  Vilmne Reliikvia, which is a weird Soviet propaganda movie set in the olden tymes in Estonia.  Sword fights and stufff.  Any fan of The Princess Bride would love this movie.  Then we watched today a movie called Klass, which is about bullied kids getting their weird revenge.  It was a little gruesome, but I guess that’s kind of the point.

We visited the old observatory, which is nice because I didn’t see it the last time I was in Tartu.  Back in the day it was kind of a big deal in astronomy circles..  so that was cool.  The best part was that the tower with the telescope could spin around so you could aim the telescope wherever you wanted, and it still works today.  You can see a picture of it below.

And..  yeah!  Finally, I saw this piece of graffiti:

Hastert. I swear.

I swear swear swear that it’s Dennis Hastert, which would be awesome, but everyone else thinks it’s an Estonian politician.

I guess you can decide which one makes more sense. But I’m sticking with the story that the random piece of graffiti on a wall in Tartu is a picture of a downstate Illinois US Representative.
In other news, I’m going to bed. I’ve got an awesome run mapped out for tomorrow that should have some pretty good views of teh city, maybe I will try to run with my camera. Seriously though, I’ve probably taken enough pictures of blue skies and old buildings, but somehow it never gets old.

One thought on “ : Do You Want to Buy a Duck?”
  • Mom says:

    Nice pictures.looks like a pretty city. enjoy your run.