Leaving Tallinn

Sunday , 31, July 2011 1 Comment

So I’m leaving Tallin today to spend two weeks in Tartu, where I’ll hopefully finally master the language!

Friday was our last day of classes.  We took a test, which I did okay on, but it confirmed that I still have a pretty sketchy idea about how four of the cases work.  I’ve got a good handle on the first three (nominative, genitive, and partitive), and the last four are pretty straight-forward (terminative, essive, abessive, comitative).  The problem is the rest of them, really.  I’m basically saying something like “I understand even numbers to 10 pretty well, but odd numbers, decimals, and everything over 11 is a mystery” and then acting like I’ve accomplished something.

Still though, there’s been progress.  My current worry is that I won’t be prepared for the class in Tartu, but I wasn’t really prepared for this class, and it went well enough.  We’ll see!

In other news, it rained a ton yesterday, and it’s really pretty out today, and I’m wearing a black -shirt.  The Superchunk Misfits cover has been playing on repeat in my room, Nestea brand lemon-green tea is totally disgusting, and I’m having second thoughts about that math analogy.  Until next time.


One thought on “ : Leaving Tallinn”
  • MOM says:

    Great picture! Looks so good. and the volvos of course are great.