In Which I Go to the Beach and Also to a Rock Concert

Monday , 25, July 2011 Leave a comment

Camera Finder

First things first: I would like to thank the above girl, whoever she is, for not stealing my phone.  Last Thursday, I went to a restaurant for  dinner.  We were sitting on a bench waiting for a table to open up, and I was goofing around, looking at my camera and playing with my  phone, as I do.  When a table opened up, I left my camera on the bench.  About a half hour later, I realized it was missing.  I went over to the bench, which was occupied by a group of kids, and I asked them about the camera.  Helpfully, they had given it to a waitress at the restaurant, who I found and who subsequently brought me my phone.  Hooray.  It wasn’t until later that I realized that the original camera finders had taken a couple pictures of themselves, which I’ve posted, above and below.  Whoever you guys are, thanks for being honest and funny.  I appreciate both of those things.  (Funny: if you enlarge the photo, you can actually see me in the background.  I’m sitting with a guy with sunglasses on his head; I’m wearing a plaid shirt.  I’m at about 1:00 if you stick the clock hands in the girl’s forehead.)

In other news, I went to my first Estonian rock show.  The venue was comfortingly like your average venue at home, complete with cheap beer, uncomfortable temperatures, and a 45-minute late starting time.  The bands we’re pretty good.  Ans Andur, Elephants From Neptune, Kosmoseratsanikud, and Lobster Handshake.  LH was a Finnish band that kinda sucked, despite having a shirtless long-haired dude.  The K band was good, too, though the last band wasn’t terribly great.  Unfortunately, Ans Andur, the band I was actually there to see, wasn’t that impressive.  They seemed to be focusing on new songs, so a lot of the crowd wasn’t that into it.  I can’t really blame bands for wanting to do that, but it was still a little disappointing.

Some other pictures are from the beach, and thus don’t require much in the way of explanation.  I also happened across an awards ceremony for some amateur track and field competition. Russia did quite well. That’s it for now.