Tallinn to Haapsalu

Wednesday , 22, June 2011 Leave a comment

I took a billion photos today.  Close to it, anyhow.  I’m just gonna post them without too much commentary, cause I’m kinda sleepy.  I think they’re all pretty self explanatory.  I took a few pictures during the bus ride from Tallinn, just to give a sense of what Estonian countryside looks like.  They’re not interesting photos, just kinda FYI.  Here in Haapsalu, there’s an old castle/church which is awesome, though it does include some basementy/dungeony areas that were a little too scary for me, not to mention weird mannequins everywhere.  Also, there were a fair amount of spiral staircases that I was sure wouldn’t support my weight.  Surprisingly, hundreds of years and thousands of people later, they’re still going strong.

Um..  Yeah, I guess that’s it. I’m kinda sleepy!  I guess it *is* 9, so I could reasonably do flashcards for awhile and then go to bed, but I’m really tempted by the midnight lazzzzer bowling.

Oh!  I should mention that Estonia celebrates the solstice over the next few days.  As I was coming in, I noticed a lot of people had set up pyre-like things which I assumed were for burning trash, but it’s for the holiday.  All of Haapsalu there are similar pyres, though I’m not sure whether they get lit tonight or tomorrow.

Also, because of the upcoming holiday, a lot of the places I went were closed, though I did get into the local art gallery, which had a really cool building and a cool exhibit called “Pop/Rock” which I think involved asking a bunch of local artists to respond to the title.  My favorite was a painting whose top half was filled with bubbles and bottom half was filled with pebbles, though there were  a lot of good ones.  Exhibit continues until 3 July, so get here quick!

No videos today, cause I’m kinda sick of playing on the computer right now, but when I have more time and a better connection, I will upload several.