Pictures of Food That I Ate.

Monday , 29, March 2010 1 Comment


I’ve eaten like a king recently, but this week I don’t plan on doing anything interesting on account of being lazy and whatnot.

Anyhow, last week was left over week, but the week before that was pretty good.  The roasted vegetables definitely smelled the best, though I couldn’t come up with a satisfactory side dish, so I just stuck with  the koala sauce.  This had butternut squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, red peppers, and..  some other stuff.  It took a long time to cook, which was actually kinda cool cause it made the whole building  smell pretty good.  Well, that was good for me, hopefully the other folks in the house weren’t annoyed.Veggies..

I also made a garlic-garbanzo bean-spinach soup that I thought was fantastic.  I still have one container left in the freezer, and I can’t wait to eat it.  I was so pumped on it I even made it again last night at my brother’s house, though I somewhat irrationally doubled the recipe, so there is a LOT of soup left.  Hopefully they saved it!

Saturday I spent forever cooking Potato Rostis with gingery baked tofu and a sweet tomato sauce.  This was gross.  The picture in the cookbook I was using looked awesome, but what I ended up with looked gross.  The worst part was the tomato sauce, which in the picture was dark purply red and delicious-looking, whereas mine was a kind of pasty pink/red and not good.  Tomato sauce.  Yuck.  At least the tofu turned out great, so though I will never attempt to make the whole dish again, I will keep in mind the tofu preparation.

Sunday evening I made a broccoli/chestnut terrine, which was good, but not so good that it justified going to three different stores to track down the chestnuts.  The recipe didn’t ask for very much salt or other seasoning, so it was a little bland, but I think I could try it again and spice it a little more extravagantly!  It was fun to make though, and it’s kinda neat looking.  Plus, it was pretty tasty with breakfast the next day!

So, that was that.  I’ve still got some frozen soup, like I said, and my mom’s in town, so I’ll probably be eating with the fam the rest of the week, but I’ll hopefully get back into my cookstravaganza mode soon enough.  OH!  I also made some Jamaican black bean something or other that was AWESOME.  If i find a similar recipe online, I will post it, cause it was awesome!

One thought on “ : Pictures of Food That I Ate.”
  • colin says:

    that soup DOES look good.