Harry Potter Reads Harry Potter

Monday , 30, July 2007 Leave a comment

Don’t read this if you haven’t finished reading the last Harry Potter book.  And don’t read the rest of this post either.

If you have finished reading The Deathly Hallows, then you’re stoked.  I don’t really have much to say about it.  I thought it was good, I was glad that it got wrapped up in a satisfactory way.  I kinda wanted Harry to die, but I also thought that it would be a bummer for the kids reading the series.  I like how he tried to die, so we saw he had the will to do it, especially after being so mad at Albus and life in general for screwing him over so hard.  I would have dug a more Christ-like 40 days in the garden with Satan, but that might have been to obvious and stupid.  To have a Harry/Voldemort “With our powers combined!” type conversation would be lame.  It’s also cool how Rowling has finished it, but still left it open for some fan fiction or at least some pointless afternoon day dreaming.  Anyhow, it was cool.  But like I said, I’m not going to talk about it.

The article I linked to initially is about Daniel Radcliffe’s reaction to reading the final book.  His experience reading it has to be so different than most.  His entire adolescence has been more or less consumed by Harry Potter, so it has to be really strange.  I also think it’s weird that he finished the book while listening to Sigur Ros in a car trip.  I wonder if there was any sort of weird tension in the car…  Maybe he’s just ambivalent, so it wasn’t a big deal to anyone, but still it strikes me as weird.  I can’t come up with another situation I think would be as odd…  But I’ll keep trying.