Tomahawk Tubes

Sunday , 20, May 2007 2 Comments

Most people know that I am loosely associated with Tomahawk Amps and Shoes through my relationship with Make or Break Records and Jumpsuit.  I’ve been trying to get on better terms with the folks  at Tomahawk in the hope that they’ll extend their sponsorship to more of the bands on my label.  So far it hasn’t worked out, but I thought I would try to get on their good side by creating a little Tomahawk-inspired fan craft, if you will.  Those of you familiar with Tomahawk’s line of amplifiers will know of the trademark lighting options available on the higher end amps they sell.  If you have this option, which is definitely worth it, you can replace the minuscule red LEDs most amplifiers have with a full blown light bulb, letting everyone in the room prepare themselves for the audio onslaught that is the sound of a Tomahawk turned to 11.  The only problem is that the electrical systems at most night clubs can’t handle the power that Tomahawks require, some funny stuff happens, and you end up blowing up your light bulbs pretty often.  Though that problem can’t be fixed without updating the electrical systems globally, at least you can always be prepared with more light bulbs.  With that in mind, I’ve created a carrying case for Tomahawk bulbs.  Real Tomahawk bulbs are too expensive for me to buy without a sponsorship, but they’re roughly the same shape as regular bulbs, so I kinda cheated a little bit.  Hopefully Tomahawk will take notice and maybe provide me some real bulbs.  Anyhow, here’s the before and after pics:


I hope Tomahawk is paying attention.  I gave the case to Jumpsuit for the big Cowtown show, hoping that a Tomahawk person would see it and maybe drop me a line, schedule a lunch or something, but so far nothing has happened.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed though.

2 thoughts on “ : Tomahawk Tubes”
  • John says:

    Dear Brett,

    I think it’s time to start looking for another job. Seriously.

    East Coast Luv,


  • dumbo says:

    hmmm… i tend to agree with john