Get your t-shirts

Thursday , 26, April 2007 1 Comment

Today I went over to Jumpsuit HQ to help fold, roll, tape, label, and generally organize a new shipment of t-shirts. It was pretty fun. There were nearly a hundred shirts, maybe more, and they were in cute little stacks all over the couch. Unfortunately, we wanted to sit on the couch, so we had to make room. The best way to do that would have been to put them back into the boxes they came in, but we elected to instead build a sort of shirt pyramid on the back of the couch. Here’s the shirts, with Nathan:



Here’s basically the same picture:



Then I immediately went to the couch to show Nathan the picture I just took of him, cause it is kinda funny. When I sat down on the couch, kinda hard and lazily, this is what happened:


So it goes at Jumpsuit HQ. Let someone know if you want a shirt. We have some.

One thought on “ : Get your t-shirts”
  • Pearl says:

    What do they look like??????