Poor Unconnected Soul

Thursday , 8, February 2007 2 Comments

So I will not be able to really post anything for a few days because
Comcast has decided they would like me to be without internet until
next Tuesday. Luckily I will be able to get online with my phone,
which is sweet, but it is not enough. Please think of me when you are
wasting time reading pointless garbage on the internet.
Computers are mostly pointless without the net… I don’t even wanna
import my cds cause then I would have to type in the track names
myself. Woe is me… Oh woe. Wow.

2 thoughts on “ : Poor Unconnected Soul”
  • dumbo says:

    ummmm so youre going on a month now… that’s not much of a blog, now is it?

  • brs says:

    Sorry. I went on vacation!