New Dollars

Thursday , 18, January 2007 2 Comments

I don’t know mch about the whole financial rigamarole, but I think a solution to it would be printing new money.  Not just more money, but a new type of curency, and we could call them new dollars.  They did it in Peru- they had Nuevo Soles- new suns– which replaced the previous currency, intis, which was either the sun or the sun god in Quechua, and those of course replaced the original soles, or solesoles classics.    Anyhow, I’m not sure what the mechanics of the recovery process would be, but we would start with new money.  Instead of putting presidents on them, we coul put classic super heroes, because those are the kind of problems we are dealing with.  Because blind people have trouble telling them apart, each bill will come with an action figure that speaks the value of the dollar.  They will also hav brail on them, but not traditional braille, but a riddle written in braille, so you have to read the riddle, and from that figure out which super hero is on the bill (because the riddle will be about a super hero) and then from there figure out how much it’s worth.  In addition, we will make coins out of food and they will be cubes.  This has a built in anti-inflationary measure to it.  When the value of the coin becomes less than the value of the food, people will simply eat their change.  No mroe inflation, no more giant buckets of change taking up space on your desk.  I think some other culture did that.  It was a good idea in teh vague, ancient past when I think it might have happened, and it’s a good idea now.  So that would solve inflation, it would solve other stuff, and the financial crisis.  Is there anything I’m forgetting?

There must be something I’m forgetting, because if this was enough to fix the economy, someone would have already thought of it.  So, my true genius position- the idea that I’ve had but nobody else has had the foresight or guacamole or samizdat to come up with is this: The lemons shall be salted and the earth will be as a vertue.  The past of thoughts beyond the milk of human sassafrass, and thusforth be rent upon the tombs.  Yonder blazers upon troughs of sandy catapults.  Once the magnum opus of the thrustbuilt fields will upon the miracle and there for we go.  The multitudinous empty saphire of the long voyage will rain upon the banken rusterings.  Salvation had for the sixth of mandible divided upon our best efforts.  Paleo-linear promisorry notes once marathoned and forgotten to the futurism of the leftover, yes and the garbage of thrilled and thrilling and ever thrillest pulchritude.  Godfathers of the mountain never happen upon rivers quietly smoking like their canid forbears.   Then we sell the movie rights, give the profits to the finaincial sector.  Violins.

2 thoughts on “ : New Dollars”
  • John says:

    I’m sorry…what?