• At the Riviera to see TVotR and remembered why I don’t like going to big shows… They suck. #

Yesterday, I had a handful of photo sessions with Manny.  Thanks to Colin and Steve for their photographical excellence.  The first one is Steve’s, the rest, after the jump, are Colin’s.

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So Drudge linked to a story in the AP about an Army report about how terrorists could use modern technology, such as GPS, voice-changing software, and Twitter.  The focus on the article was Twitter.  This is my favorite quotation:

“Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences,” the report said. [emphasis mine]

Watch out for those Twittering Vegetarians.  They might tell their friends how bored they are in jury duty.

Seriously though, I don’t have any idea why vegetarians are listed as an activist group of concern.  Or atheists for that matter.  Perhaps we should be:

chitchens: I totally don’t believe in god, by jove.
dawkins666 @ chitchens: blimey chris, neither do i!
b69maher @ dawkins666: lets go picket a church!
dawkins66 @ b69maher: tots, dawg!  see you there!
b69maher @ chitchens : yo chris, we’re gonna go picket a church, you in?
chitchens @ b69maher: sorry pal, i gotta go get water boarded again for VF article
chitchens @ b69maher: myb l8r?  midnight mass mayhem!

Okay.  So that’s probably not a scenario that would ever happen, but at least we’re prepared for it.  (Also, my gut tells me all those dudes are probably agnostics, but I bet the Army doesn’t split hairs like that.  “Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, Gay, Martian…  What’s the difference?”)

In light of all the recent dog posting, I thought Pearl deserved some attention.

So for those keeping score at home, Manny is my fifth foster dog. Now that I’ve had a handful, their little differences and quirks are becoming all the more noticeable.
One thing that they’ve all shared, other than Hunter, is the desire to be on the couch. Before they even see me sit on it, they can tell that it’s something they would like to be on top of.
Manny so far has not been an exception to this rule- he’s on the couch right now. Manny has been the quickest learner, he came knowing sit and shake, but he already has a pretty good handle on down and drop.
On the house breaking front, they first learn not to poop in the house. They also learn quickly that it is more derisable to pee outside, but it takes them awhile to learn that peeing inside is, in fact, prohibited. Often they will pee as soon as we go out, andget their reward, and then pee again immediately upon coming in. I think it is mostly a function of how frrquently they do each one.
All golden retrievers do not, in fact, retrieve. That’s not news to me, as half my dogs growing up weren’t all that into fetching. What’s weird is that they all fetch longer and with more focus when we are inside. Even if they are playful and focusing on me, fetching seems to take a back seat to tug-of-war and chase outdoors.
The motivation with all dogs is a lot different. Hunter couldn’t care less about people and was nrarly as ambivalent about food, but he’d go bonkers when he saw another dog. Manny, so far, doesn’t care about other dogs, but he loooooves his treats.
Other than Hunter, they have all followed me around incessantly, even waking up to go sleep in another room. Hunter would just sleep in front of the door, trying to take any opportunity to go outside that might come up.
Anyhow, those are my observations so far. Now that I’m an expert on this, expect more observations as they occur to me.