At Subterranean

  • How come baseball doesn’t have cheerleaders? #

She’s only here for another few weeks, so I’m going to bombard the site with her.
(Photo credit: Steven Karl Metzer)

After struggling to really make odds and ends of 2666, I chose to go back to a Murakami book that would likely be less..  hard to put together.  So I went with Norwegian Wood, bringing the number of HM books I’ve read to 8, leaving only a handful of novels left and a couple non-fiction titles.  Despite the way I have in the past dismissed Murakami a bit for having such similar themes, I never acknowledged how the recurring themes in his books really allow you to keep developing an understanding of previously read books as he expands on the themes in later situations.

My book posts are boring and long, so let’s not sully the front page with the following blather…

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  • Wow the Mutiny is pricey #
  • 17 degrees at the bus stop, though that seems warmer than it feels. #
  • TMBG fans are, if not the geekiest and nerdiest, definitely the most likely to be morbidly obese. Seriously. #