• @ccbayer i saw that at a party I went to also. must be the work of the throttyler. in reply to ccbayer #
  • I love the 56. Wait, I meant to say I LOVE THE 56!!!!! #
  • Goooooool(d star). #

Over the course of the holidays, I totally stopped paying attention to the whole Blagojevich thing.   Seriously, I had chocolate to unwrap and eat, how could I find time to read the news?  Apparently my lack of interest hasn’t stopped the story from moving forward, and Blago has appointed former Attorney General Roland Burris to the position.  The Senate Dems have said they won’t seat him, there’s considerable argument over whether the Senate has that power, but Blago’s sent a man to Washington nonetheless.

Being a resident of Illinois, I actually kinda want to have a Senator.  We can’t depend on Durbin alone to get federal funding for all of our stuff.  We need someone.  Since the trial and impeachment or whatever is going to go on forever, it’s going to be a long time until we can get what we need if we have to wait.  In the meantime, who knows what awesome federal funds we might be missing out on.  Actally, probably not much, since Mr. O is gonna be at 1600, but still.  My solution, which is impossible but still would be great, would be to compromise with Burris.  Let him have the seat, but with the understanding that he’s not to run for reelection in 2010, and, ideally, that he would resign should Blago be found guilty.  Of course, he wouldn’t want to do that, but that’s what he gets for letting a corrupt jackass appoint him.  If he wants to be senator badly enough to agree to those terms, then you realize that he’s so desperate for the job that he clearly shouldn’t have it, so you turn around and renege on the deal.

Wait, that doesn’t solve anything.  We still don’t have a senator.  So..  back to square one.  We need a Senator, anyone who Blago appoints isn’t any good, Blago’s the only guy who can do it.  So I guess we need to hurry up and get him out of office, or stick to my earlier plan, except without the turning around and changing the game.  We really just ought to have a quick election, in March when we do the Alderman elections.  Randomly pick an R and a D who currently hold statewide office, stick them on a ballot, call it a day.  Who cares.  We just need to get one of our homies up there to keep our highways built.

(Side note: Burris named *both* of his kids after himself, a la George Foreman.  He also already has his grave picked out, complete with a mausoleum and a list of al his accomplishments.  There’s still room for one more office on it.)

(Side side note:  How creepy is it to pick out your own grave and headstone and stuff?  I wonder he he hangs out there and listens to the Smiths.)

Apparently I didn’t get the memo about post-ironicism, because in addition to reading (and reviewing) a book called ttyl, I went out to the suburbs.  On purpose.  Cause I thought it would be funny.  Anyhow, I don’t have anything interesting to say, so I can’t recommend continuing to read this post, however I’ve already decided to write about it, so, despite having nothing to say, here goes…

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After an awesomely bookalicious Christmas, I had some serious considerations to make concerning what book I would use to chime in the new year.  After much hemming and hawing and hand-wringing and snake wrestling, I settled on a wonderful book given to me by a good friend.


TTYL, by Lauren Myracle is a book whose target audience is probably not mid-20s males, however I can imagine that mid-20s males also weren’t the target audience for a certain awesome song.  That doesn’t make them any less awesome or worth reading.   (Or listening to, as the case may be.)

TTYL is written as a series of IM conversations between three girls, Angela (s/n: SnowAngel, preferred font: light blue Comic Sans), Madigan (s/n: mad maddie, preferred font: The Sans Basic 9 Black) and Zoe (s/n: zoegirl, preferred font: Georgia).  Based on the art direction of the book, all three girls use late-model Macs and connect to the internet through a dial-up connection.  This requires that they be offline in order to  call each other.  they’re all within a a few months of turning 16, with Madigan first in line.   They live in northern Florida or Georgia.  The story chronicles the lives of these three tenth grade girls throughout the first few months of their sophomore year in high school and the requisite trials and tribulations.

Spoilers galore.  If you’re going to read this book, go out and buy it (it’s afforable), but don’t read on! Read More

Drinks at TGI’s after a hard night of shopping at the mall. Plus we got an awesome parking spot. Only complaint so far is that the OG was too full.