2008 was kind of a bad year for me regarding new music. Generally, when I read everyone’s lists of the top albums of the year, I’ve heard of all of it and own a lot of it. in 2008, however, I pretty much dropped the ball regarding seeking out new music. Not that I haven’t been buying stuff, but I’ve been looking more aggressively backwards than in years past. Today I’m going to write a bit about the new music I got last year, then later in the week I’ll go into some records that came out last year I’m still hoping to get around to, and maybe next week I’ll go on and on about the old music that I got into last year.
The one new record I did buy that ended up on a lot of lists was Dear Science, the new TV On the Radio record. It was awesome, and I think it makes sense that it’s on people’s best-of lists, even though I don’t know much else about the year in music. I think I only bought five or so new records that actually came out this year, making them my de facto best-of list:
So this might not look like much (in fact, it doesn’t), but below is a picture of the best lunch I’ve had in… months.
What is it, you ask? It’s a blackened tofu reuben. When I first moved to Chicago, I often ate/had coffee at Filter, which is now a Bank of America. Those who have spent time with me in Wicker Park no doubt have heard me complain about always wanting a Bof A in my neighborhood. Then when I moved to Logan Square, I complained about there not being a better coffeeshop in the neighborhood. Within months, as if the world was mocking me, my favorite coffee shop in my old neighborhood was closed and replaced with the bank I’d always longed for. Awesome. Rather than dwell on the anti-gift of the Magi, I try to just block it out.
The point, to the extent that there is one, is that Filter had, if memory serves me correctly, two delicious sandwiches. One was a tofu reuben, the other was a blackened tofu wrap. The reuben was a standard sort of reuben, though of course with tofy instead of corned beef or whatever. The blackened tofu wrap was good, though in addition to the tofu there was a lot of lettuce and some dressing I didn’t particularly care for. Whenever I was going to lunch there, I always had to choose. I loved the blackened tofu, but I also love sauerkraut. My choices were split relatively evenly.
Today, when getting ready to make my lunch, I had a sudden flashback, perhaps brought on by the smell of coffee brewing. I thought of those two sandwiches and thought struck me like a match. “Why not make a blackened tofu reuben?” The answer: no reason whatsoever. I proceeded to make the above-pictured sandwich, and it was delicious.
Before starting, however, I had to figure out how to make blackened tofu. I found a recipe online, modified it, and then I lunched. It takes awhile, so I don’t really recommend it unless you’re cooking sandwiches for 4 or 5 other people or you really love the idea of a blackened tofu reuben. Read More
The Bowhead whale’s mouth is 10 feet wide.
The Megamouth Shark’s mouth is 1 meter wide.
A hippo’s mouth can get up to 4 feet wide.
An ant’s mouth is.. well, tiny. Ants are.. well, tiny.
PETA is under the impression (probably false) that by calling fish sea kittens, people won’t eat them. Although that’s really dumb, it did give me the opportunity to create my own sea kitten. That up there? That’s Ralphette. She’s tough, though you might not be able to see it through the elephant trunk.
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I’m goofing around with my webcam. When I was in college, I always had my web cam on, which was awesome so people could totally see what I was studying. Now I’m looking into putting a wireless webcam in my vestibule so I can see who’s at my front door. Gotta avoid those proselytizers! I gt this plug-in to do videos right in the ol’ browser, and I’ve definitely been preferring video blogging recently, mostly because I’m lazy and I don’t have to bother with editing videos. Not that I edit my written posts, but I feel stupid when they’re stupid. Videos are stupid too, but they don’t make me feel stupid.
In related news, please check out the newest in new: brettsutton.com
…And I rearranged the furniture.
Via Idolator, Insane Clown Posse it still a thing:
A Fargo man is suing the musical act Insane Clown Posse and its rapper Violent J after being injured while attending the band’s June 2007 concert.
Okay, at least it was a thing two summers ago. So the dude in the band threw a full two-liter bottle (OF FAYGO!!!) into the crowd and it hit this dude in the face. You’d think that publicly acknowledging that he was at an ICP show would be enough to discourage the lawsuit, but you gotta throw all normal people logic out the window when you’re dealing with juggalos.