• Babysitting is stressfull, even when its easy. #
  • I’m gonna get a membership to the Art Institute today, so… That’s cool. #
  • @ccbayer I hope earmuff is a euphemism for something sweet #
  • Waking up and finding a near empty bottle of malort on your dining room table=awesome. #

  • Boulder doesn’t appreciate my “Guess Who’s Not Going Outside” song. #
  • Black beans and sauerkraut- great meal idea or the greatest meal idea? #
  • @tks_smith so you’re too good for blogging but not too good for… Uh.. tweeting the oscars? #
  • Cat and dog, man… Cat and dog. #

I know this is old news.  Everybody loves sauerkraut.  But I still thought it should be mentioned.

Tonight I couldn’t decide what to do for dinner.  While I was deciding, I figured I’d make a quick salad to munch on while I made plans for my more substantial, real meal.  Unfortunately, I never decided on what to have for my real meal, so I had another salad, thinking two salads was sorta like a real meal.  (These aren’t great salads either- the first just mixed greens with a ginger dressing, the second spinach with some almonds.)  As it turns out, two mediocre salads do not a fulfilling meal make.  So I opened the fridge and I decided it would be a great idea to wrap up some sauerkraut in a slice of tofurkey.  And it was a good idea.  So I had two of those (Tofurkey sauerkraut wraps?), but I didn’t want to eat any more tofurkey so I put the stuff away.  But I was still hungry.  So I had a bowl of sauerkraut with mustard on it.  It was delicious, as you can imagine.  It wasn’t, however, very satisfying, but two medicore salads, two tofurkey sauerkraut wraps, and a bowl of sauerkraut all combined is an okay, if totally weird meal.

That dinner made me come sit down here and do some research on my favorite thing, and I came across this website: SauerkrautRecipes.Com!  A whole website featuring sauerkraut and it’s not even relegated to condiment status as it so often is.  The best part?  SAUERKRAUT DESSERTS!!!  For real.   If anyone’s interested, I’ll be serving some Sauerkraut Custard Pie for dessert tomorrow, then a Savory Reuben Cheesecake (with tofu, not corned beef, alas) on Tuesday, Thunderbolt cake on Wednesday, and Happy Hour Pie on Thursday.  This is going to be a great week.

  • What reason is there for my not being able to sleep? There is no reason. I hate mornings. #
  • Suburbs, ho! #
  • Someone in my building cooked something that smells really good, and it wasn’t me. Or my house is on fire. #
  • @laurendare Hungover from so many obscene cupcakes, or starving for lack of virtuous ones. So to speak, of course. #
  • @ccbayer except for when it’s that homeless chef who camps out on the backstairs landing, you’re probably right. #
  • Snowing. Again. Not rad. I know it’s only February whatevereth, but I’m not stoked. #
  • Wtdf? The weatherman’s last name is Freeze. I think I identified our problem… #
  • Some murderer dude shot himself down the street from me. That’s weird. #