• 7am and I’m done with my workout and en route to work! (Also, A-Team was already there at 5:40) #
  • 5am workout, solid work day (Outside! In the rain!) And now watching ridiculous, silly tv. (Inside! In the dry!) #
  • @ccbayer thanks, tux! #
  • New dog on Thursday! Gracie, 1yr old female. Can’t wait! #
  • I think Obama might be wearing too much make up. #
  • Looks like today could be the day. New dog coming in a few hours, mother a bit after that, nephew somewhere in between. Fun times. #
  • @ccbayer your office is suffering from autorickrolling disorder #

Cute, tiny little girl.

  • This could be the kind of meal I tell my grandkids about… But more likely its the kind of meal I just eat and forget. #
  • @ccbayer That settles it; I’m cancelling my Y membership and joining your gym. #
  • Burger King now sells “Burger Shots”. Wtf? No, that’s crazy enough to type it all out: What the fuck? A burger shot! #
  • Keith Olbermann has sweet initials. #
  • Jay Leno is astoundingly unfunny… And porcine. #
  • Seriously, really, really, really unfunny. #
  • Even his band sucks. Why couldn’t Obama go on Letterman?!? #
  • Didier Defago #
  • Things in my fridge: condiments: 95%; rotten vegetables: 5%. #
  • Best midnight drunken snack: giant salad. #
  • Karaoke! #

Two legged table that attaches to the fence. Linoleum top for that extra bit of classiness.

I was pretty proud of myself for keeping up with my book blogging, so I’m a li9ttle disappointed now that it’s been 6 weeks  and I haven’t added a thing.  Really, I’ve hardly added anything other than dumb Twitter updates and blurry photos.  That said, I’ve read a handful of good books, but I’m not going to bother writing much about them.  Three plays by Ionesco, two plays by Shaw, a book of Murakami short stories, four more Scott Pilgrim books, and another graphic novel.  All good, but nothing great, so I’m in the market for something interesting.  I’m also trying to watch Battlestar Galactica.  I heard that was a really good tv show, so I watched the first few episodes.  It’s kinda cool, but only kinda.  

And that’s pretty much all I have right now.  Barbecue season is upon us- the first forway into outdoor cooking took place on Saturday.  Today I’m going to Home Depot to get some supplies to make a semi-permanent table out there, so I’ll be sure to get some photos of it.  It’s gonna be cool.

  • Mustache day two: awesome. #
  • 21 lives in bb, level 6, round 2. If I don’t break 30k this game, I’m never gonna play again. #
  • Yes! Made it to round 3 with ten lives, 33k! #
  • Round 4, 15 lives, 50k points. And it got boring about 34 levels ago. #
  • Oh yeah, broke 100k. #
  • Microcenter: The longest, slowest lines in the galaxy. #
  • Cramer v Stewart was a little disappointing. And the Onion crossword this week was funny, you should do it. #
  • @ccbayer I think the status of the wrist cyst deserves its own twitter account, if only so that I can not follow it. #
  • I just remembered my old geocities URL, now just a sad, lonely 404 error: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/1157 #
  • Uninstalling BrickBreaker today. Final high score: 144920. Level 16, Round 9. Rank: 4460. I can live with that. #
  • Omfg, I can’t believe I deltacoed brickbreaker. Wtf am I gonna do without it??? #
  • First barbecue of the year! #