• I'm pretty sure I could never hear a "poet" "perform" a "poem" ever again and I would be stoked. I'm waiting to hear St Vincent at Mill … #
  • Why do I still always think Arby's sandwiches look delicious? #
  • That chick just fell over at the magic game!!! So rad! #
  • @tamaletracker gold star! #
  • Hotdogs for breakfast! What a day! #
  • Its easy to forget that Sonic is actually just a really fast hedgehog. (I'm watching Saturday Morning cartoons. Not what they used to be.) #
  • Ricky from MSCL is on Pushing Daisies!!! OMMFG!!!! #

Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve made a legit post.  Sorry, that’s lame.  I’ve been doing a lot of work on the house, including my big move from the second floor to the “garden” unit.  I’m about to redo all the electric on the second floor, then I’ll give it a good, neutral paint job and a brand new kitchen.  So I’ll probably have some home-improvement posts in the next couple weeks.  When I get back from the gym today, I’ll clean up my apartment and put up a little tour video of the new digs.  Anyhow, there’s a few things that I would normally actually write about, but I’m just going to.. .  I don’t know.  mention them.

Music- St. Vincent’s new album, Actor, is awesome.  None of the tracks get em as stoked as “Marry Me John” but the album is fantastic.  Also fantastic, the Bill Callahan record Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle is really great too.  I picked up Numero Group’s fourth Eccentric Soul comp featuring Detroit’s Big Mack label.  Like all in the Eccentric Soul series, this record is fantastic.  Those Numero Group folks really know what’s what.  The Mint Chicks Screens is growing on me.

ActorbcScreensEccentric Soul #4- The Big Mack LAbel

This person is a dummy, though I’m stoked to see the Senate apparently includes a 12-year old girl. This person is awesome, especially the last week from Iraq, and especially especially when he’s trying to train the cutest puppy on the planet to not eat ice cream. (Go to 3:10 for the actually funny part to begin.):

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Tom Hanks Care Package
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Stephen Colbert in Iraq

The Slide was a good book, especially if you’ve got any sort of vaguely positive or negative feelings for St. Louis, the Cardinals, Baseball, or having graduated college.


Okay, that’s it for now.  I gotta go to the gym, go to Target, go to the post office.  Wanna know how many Clif bars you can fit into an APO/FPO flat rate box?   Like 60!  Crazy!  And that’s not even taking them out of their box.  I bet I could cram in even more.

…An entire American Apparrel ripoff section!

They just played “Marry Me John”, aka my alarm song. It was awesome.

  • New apartment. So stoked. #
  • Any Chicagoan who is indoors needs to stop being indoors. Best night of the year… At least the week. #
  • Some dude tried to get me to stop breathing last night. Thankfully, he failed. Happy Suckfest, everybody. #

  • Word #
  • I just saw a PopTart ad suggesting they be served as the “bread” on an ice cream sandwich. Ill stick to the taco-stuffed lobster. #

  • “Remarkable” is the weakest adjective ever. #

It used to just be a wall! The oven is gonna go on the left where the drill is.