The wedding was as awesome as this car. That means very, very awesome.

  • First workout in a week! I haven't gone that long since December. Wtf!?! #
  • No more Max. #
  • Seven hours later… I still miss Max. #
  • Even though I know "apropos" is derived from french, I like to pretend that it's really a widely accepted txt word. #
  • Empty gym today. Weird. I'm gonna go to Abt. Stoked. #
  • What the world doesn't need: smooth jazz vocal versions of James Taylor songs. What this bookstore exclusively plays: see above. #
  • I need to get some friends that have ties I can borrow. I bet there's less than three ties between every dude I know in Chicago. #
  • My first @jetblue flight in ten minutes. I hope it meets all my expectations, like getting me to new york. #
  • And we're here. Jetblue's been okay, but my tv didn't work! And I finished my book and crossword too soon, so the tv would have been gr … #
  • @ccbayer make sure to try on of the free espressos or whatever from the coffee machine. They're great! #

  • First workout in a week! I haven't gone that long since December. Wtf!?! #
  • No more Max. #
  • Seven hours later… I still miss Max. #
  • Even though I know "apropos" is derived from french, I like to pretend that it's really a widely accepted txt word. #
  • Empty gym today. Weird. I'm gonna go to Abt. Stoked. #
  • What the world doesn't need: smooth jazz vocal versions of James Taylor songs. What this bookstore exclusively plays: see above. #
  • I need to get some friends that have ties I can borrow. I bet there's less than three ties between every dude I know in Chicago. #
  • My first @jetblue flight in ten minutes. I hope it meets all my expectations, like getting me to new york. #
  • And we're here. Jetblue's been okay, but my tv didn't work! And I finished my book and crossword too soon, so the tv would have been gr … #
  • @ccbayer make sure to try on of the free espressos or whatever from the coffee machine. They're great! #

  • First workout in a week! I haven't gone that long since December. Wtf!?! #
  • No more Max. #
  • Seven hours later… I still miss Max. #
  • Even though I know "apropos" is derived from french, I like to pretend that it's really a widely accepted txt word. #
  • Empty gym today. Weird. I'm gonna go to Abt. Stoked. #
  • What the world doesn't need: smooth jazz vocal versions of James Taylor songs. What this bookstore exclusively plays: see above. #
  • I need to get some friends that have ties I can borrow. I bet there's less than three ties between every dude I know in Chicago. #
  • My first @jetblue flight in ten minutes. I hope it meets all my expectations, like getting me to new york. #
  • And we're here. Jetblue's been okay, but my tv didn't work! And I finished my book and crossword too soon, so the tv would have been gr … #
  • @ccbayer make sure to try on of the free espressos or whatever from the coffee machine. They're great! #

  • Inkwell, 1-down. #
  • @tamaletracker blue cooler @ innertown! #
  • @tks_smith have Hazel call me on the foot phone before bedtime! #
  • @ccbayer I am in awe that I went to a bar and failed where you succeeded. #
  • new magnolia electric co. album is downloading as i type. i'm getting stoked! #

  • Inkwell, 1-down. #
  • @tamaletracker blue cooler @ innertown! #
  • @tks_smith have Hazel call me on the foot phone before bedtime! #
  • @ccbayer I am in awe that I went to a bar and failed where you succeeded. #
  • new magnolia electric co. album is downloading as i type. i'm getting stoked! #

…With rye toast and marmalade, Metropolis Spice Island roast coffee.

I’m starting work on the second floor today, so I elected to prepare a special breakfast commemorating the ribbon cutting ceremony, as it were. Also, cooking is more fun than drywalling.

So today is the Chicago Pride Parade.  It’s been in the news a lot recently not only because it’s kind of a big deal every year, but this year marks 40 years since the Stonewall Riots.

Here’s the thing: I had no idea what the Stonewall Riots were.  So I googled it to find out.  (Relevent result: here.)

What was more interesting to me was the Google result page.  Here’s a screenshot:


Notice anything?  The dividing line between the header and the results section?  It’s not usually like that.  I thought maybe Google had changed all the results pages to have the rainbow, and I assumed they’d have a special Google Doodle for the day.  Not the case.  I did a handful of searches, and I got the rainbow divider for “gay pride“, “pride parade“, and just plain old “gay“.   Anyhow, I always get a kick out of finding little easter-egg type things online;  they make otherwise boring web-surfing a tad bit more interesting.

  • Natto for breakfast! Hooray! (It is kinda weird eating it with a fork. Need to get some chopsticks.) #
  • Faux moussaka was good, albeit tardy. Natto+garlic+cumin+pepper=awesome, but natto alone already=awesome, so…? #
  • The dog is chasing a fly around the apartment, biting at it. I hope he catches it; it's really loud. #
  • This is annoying me: #
  • @ccbayer Thank God for… Uh.. Dehumidifiers? (Man, I miss central air.) #
  • Softball tonight, kickball tomorrow. Sporty! #
  • @ccbayer You'll probably have a hamburger for lunch and complete the cycle. #