It’s a yuckish, muggy, rain-threatening day, and I can’t get the fire started inside the ol’ belly to get up and mow the grass. Here I am, listening to records REALLY LOUDLY, looking out the window, etc. I really need to go do some YW, but I thought.. “Hey, I haven’t blogged in awhile!” And yet, I’ve nothing to say. So I wrote some e-mails to my homies, mostly about the weather and whether we should barbecue today, which is also whether I should do yardwork. Anyhow, this:

Seriously, what is there in an e-mail about the weather that warrants any of that? I’m not ready for a baby. It’s all overcast today, so it’s not like it’s a good day to be inspired to build a solar panel. Grunge stuff? I don’t even know. And right below that, wanna be a goth star? I don’t get it. Why are people advertising this stuff? The last one I’m a little stoked on, actually, cause we did mention barbecue, which usually means sausages and other assorted grossness from the local meateria, though in my case it just means eggplant and mushrooms, etc. Other than that one, they don’t seem to be targeted at all, and that makes me angry. Anyhow, I really better get my s2g re: the yard. But this has been fun, no?