• @ccbayer I spent about a half hour refreshing the tamale tracker page, hoping he'd make it my way No luck. #
  • I miss BrickBreaker. #
  • What I'm good at: losing. Any kind of losing. You want something lost, just ask me. #
  • Another day, another losing game. At least we made it to the seventh inning! Go SKA! #
  • So stoked its raining- I'm sick of watering the yard. I needed a day off. #
  • Giving blood is fun, especially with ALYX. Word. #
  • Beers, museums, burritos, beers. Could there be a better night? Lo dudo. #

  • @ccbayer I spent about a half hour refreshing the tamale tracker page, hoping he'd make it my way No luck. #
  • I miss BrickBreaker. #
  • What I'm good at: losing. Any kind of losing. You want something lost, just ask me. #
  • Another day, another losing game. At least we made it to the seventh inning! Go SKA! #
  • So stoked its raining- I'm sick of watering the yard. I needed a day off. #
  • Giving blood is fun, especially with ALYX. Word. #
  • Beers, museums, burritos, beers. Could there be a better night? Lo dudo. #

  • @ccbayer I spent about a half hour refreshing the tamale tracker page, hoping he'd make it my way No luck. #
  • I miss BrickBreaker. #
  • What I'm good at: losing. Any kind of losing. You want something lost, just ask me. #
  • Another day, another losing game. At least we made it to the seventh inning! Go SKA! #
  • So stoked its raining- I'm sick of watering the yard. I needed a day off. #
  • Giving blood is fun, especially with ALYX. Word. #
  • Beers, museums, burritos, beers. Could there be a better night? Lo dudo. #

Check me out- installing my own replacement windows. Awesome.

  • @jetblue is disappointing today. An hour late (and counting). My tv better work this time! #
  • Six hour late. Not impressed, jetBlue, not impressed. #
  • Let's go AL, let's go! (Seriously, who wants to see a pitcher hit?) #
  • Wakefield is so so cool. #
  • @JetBlue is back on my good side. I just got a coupon for a basically free flight as a result of the long delay on Sunday. Way to go, jb! #
  • We/I still suck at kickball. (Though I got an error homerun, during which I had/wanted to sliden which made me bleed. So that's something!) #
  • I can't find my ticket to Pitchfork. That's annoying. #
  • Just when you thought the night couldn't get any worse, your cab blasts the f out of bad hiphop and ignores your pleas to shut it the f up. #

  • @jetblue is disappointing today. An hour late (and counting). My tv better work this time! #
  • Six hour late. Not impressed, jetBlue, not impressed. #
  • Let's go AL, let's go! (Seriously, who wants to see a pitcher hit?) #
  • Wakefield is so so cool. #
  • @JetBlue is back on my good side. I just got a coupon for a basically free flight as a result of the long delay on Sunday. Way to go, jb! #
  • We/I still suck at kickball. (Though I got an error homerun, during which I had/wanted to sliden which made me bleed. So that's something!) #
  • I can't find my ticket to Pitchfork. That's annoying. #
  • Just when you thought the night couldn't get any worse, your cab blasts the f out of bad hiphop and ignores your pleas to shut it the f up. #

It’s a yuckish, muggy, rain-threatening day, and I can’t get the fire started inside the ol’ belly to get up and mow the grass.  Here I am, listening to records REALLY LOUDLY, looking out the window, etc.  I really need to go do some YW, but I thought..  “Hey, I haven’t blogged in awhile!” And yet, I’ve nothing to say.  So I wrote some e-mails to my homies, mostly about the weather and whether we should barbecue today, which is also whether I should do yardwork.  Anyhow, this:


Seriously, what is there in an e-mail about the weather that warrants any of that?  I’m not ready for a baby.  It’s all overcast today, so it’s not like it’s a good day to be inspired to build a solar panel.  Grunge stuff?  I don’t even know.  And right below that, wanna be a goth star?  I don’t get it.  Why are people advertising this stuff?  The last one I’m a little stoked on, actually, cause we did mention barbecue, which usually means sausages and other assorted grossness from the local meateria, though in my case it just means eggplant and mushrooms, etc.  Other than that one, they don’t seem to be targeted at all, and that makes me angry.  Anyhow, I really better get my s2g re: the yard.  But this has been fun, no?

The new tenants for the first floor move in tomorrow. In anticipation of their arrival, I installed some new light, painted a few rooms, and cleaned the fuc* out of it! Progress upstairs is slow, mostly cause I’ve spentrthe last few days focusing on getting the first floor perfect. After tomorrow, its back to the real thing. Hopefully some pics or a video of the (lack of) progress upstairs.

Only this time, it’s for real.