• Today, I will eat a sandwich. #
  • Don't try to level a fridge with the doors still off. It's not how you do it. (Also, I'm done upstairs- wtf took me so long?) #
  • i think @nikkie_dee_, @johnny_exp, and @thevcb have me confused with @royalbrett. it's an easy mistake to make. #
  • No oatmeal at the coffeeshop on the day I want oatmeal. Why is that not surprising? #
  • The new Illinois driver's licenses re kinda dumb looking. Fortunately, my new photo is awesome, so everything evens out. #
  • How do I define success? By whether or not I remember to refill my brita. Today was a successful day. #
  • Baseball is cool. #
  • I hate baseball. #
  • We all get mad; we all get late. #


  • Today, I will eat a sandwich. #
  • Don't try to level a fridge with the doors still off. It's not how you do it. (Also, I'm done upstairs- wtf took me so long?) #
  • i think @nikkie_dee_, @johnny_exp, and @thevcb have me confused with @royalbrett. it's an easy mistake to make. #
  • No oatmeal at the coffeeshop on the day I want oatmeal. Why is that not surprising? #
  • The new Illinois driver's licenses re kinda dumb looking. Fortunately, my new photo is awesome, so everything evens out. #
  • How do I define success? By whether or not I remember to refill my brita. Today was a successful day. #
  • Baseball is cool. #
  • I hate baseball. #
  • We all get mad; we all get late. #

  • Dear IOC, Thank you for the best birthday present ever, even if it was a day late. #

  • Dear IOC, Thank you for the best birthday present ever, even if it was a day late. #

  • Dear IOC, Thank you for the best birthday present ever, even if it was a day late. #

  • Watching football and complaining about Twitterberry…. Sweet. #
  • i wish my phone were homework, cause then i could say my dog ate my homework. #

  • Watching football and complaining about Twitterberry…. Sweet. #
  • i wish my phone were homework, cause then i could say my dog ate my homework. #

  • Watching football and complaining about Twitterberry…. Sweet. #
  • i wish my phone were homework, cause then i could say my dog ate my homework. #

  • i want pancakes. and a bloody mary. mostly pancakes. #
  • texas is the reason i didn't fall asleep on the way home from the airport. #
  • Watching KotH series finale. Stocked. (Yes, stocked.) #
  • I'm not sure how it happened, but I think Another Green World just became my favorite Brian Eno album. Weird. #
  • I don't know why it took me so long to put a recliner in the backyard. Maybe not classy, definetely not lame. #
  • Elvis Costello was in an episode of Two and a Half Men. I don't know how to feel about that. Wait, I do: it sucks. #
  • What's the deal with the 13 on the building in downtown Chicago? #