The last time I ate at McDonald’s was January 2nd, 2008 somewhere between Ft. Collins and Denver. My crew stopped at the McD’s en route to the airport. I eat at Dunkin’ Donuts on occasion, so I figured that McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches couldn’t be all that different, and it was the first time in ages I was at a McDonald’s while breakfast was still being served. So I got an Egg McMuffin with cheese. Within twenty minutes, I realized what a mistake that was. I don’t intend on ever eating at a McDonald’s again.
Generally speaking, I don’t like eating at big chain restaurants, but there are a few that I eat at, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
There’s one more chain-type place I eat at on a regular basis, though I am fully embarrassed to admit it. I get the egg salad sandwiches from 7-11 at least once a month, sometimes once a week when I’m feeling particularly low-standardy. (7-11 is barely a block from my house!) The bread is gross, the eggs are questionable, and food should probably not come in a cellophane wrapper. Yuck. But it’s the only thing I can get at 7-11, and I have to support it if only to ensure 7-11s continue stocking them for when I’m reeeeaaaallly hungry and it’s the only option.
Am I forgetting anything? I don’t think so. I like the lettuce taco things at PF Chang’s, and it’s probably the best of the suburbotron maximostraunts., but I can’t say I’d ever suggest eating there. Also, any place where there are no rules and just right is totally sweet and awesome.
In case it’s not obvious, I am really hungry right now. There might could be a 7-11 ESS on my horizon.
So Autumn is gone now, and Sasha is here. My first and last real photos of each, more after the break.