It’s not my fault, but I went on a bonkers buying binge this week. I had a gift certificate to Reckless, so I figured… why not spend it and another forty bucks on top of it? (Answer: cause that’s stupid.) Anyhow, it’s not even entirely my fault.
First to blame: The AV Club, whose most recent Inventory feature resulted in this:
Then, I’d been constantly hassled by Nathan, Grant, and.. basically the rest of the world to get these, and if I’m one thing it’s a sucker for peer pressure.
These last two, unfortnately, are just my fault. (Though a case could be made that it’s the fault of listening to Sirius and/or XM at the coffee shop I went to last week. It was definitely on the “college” channel.)
I still have a pretty sizable list of stuff on the “to buy ASAP” list, but I’m pretty sure the next purchase is going to be Lady Gaga, cause she deserves it. I’m also pretty sure it’s going to be awhile before I go record shopping again, cause it’s going to take a long time to work through all this.
I’ve listened to everything all the way through once, and my initial impressions are after the break.
Curtis arrived just a few minutes ago. All I got now it some snapshots, I’m sure there will be more to come. It’s cool how I only blog either photos from crappy shows or photos from dogs… or twitter updates! Sweet. So far, Curtis has eaten some treats, shaken my hand, sat down, lied down, and.. well, mostly he’s just been laying down. This is probably going to be an easy few weeks. (Side note: I don’t much like the name Curtis for a dog. If anyone on the street asks me what his name is, the answer they’ll get is Tortoise. Which is cool.. cause we’re in Chicago…?)