Party theme today. I got some leather shoes for the first time in years yesterday. Fancy things- boots that you can shine and basically look super sharp. I went to put them away, and there wasn’t any room in the shoe rack. Since I’d already been going through my closet getting rid of my circa-2005 work clothes, I though maybe I should also get rid of my circa-2005 sneakers. Make room for the new, fancy, animal-hide boots.

Anyhow, I couldn’t just throw them out like a normal person, I had to eulogize them. Because I’m crazy. So I tried them all back on, and I may or may not get rid of all of them, but I thought the decision would be easier if I spent some QT with each pair. And take photos. And blog about them.

This is what happens.

Presumably, they helped him move this morning.

Seagull wasn’t invited.

Party Fowl.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

  • @mellidori a knuckleballer is born every time a minor leaguer realizes it's his only shot at the majors. but also #
  • @mellidori "Almost as rare as a Cy Young Award for a knuckleballer, which has never happened." #
  • @mellidori I'm supposed to be grading papers, so super enthusiastic about googling stuff. Anything else? #

  • So far today I've burned my coffee and received a Canadian penny in my change. Good start. #
  • @fmanjoo Nice touch! #
  • @sanjimaitra real and spectacular. #
  • @ccbayer i think it's privately held. #
  • @ccbayer wait, did you mean like, buy a bunch of goya vegetable stock? do they make that? #
  • @ccbayer okay yeah, they make chicken and beef bouillon. not sure why you'd want that.. but.. #
  • @ccbayer dude I'm really too busy to be looking up all this info for you. #
  • @RepGutierrez as one of your constituents, I ask that you support H.R.6480 and S.3609 IRFA: #FairNetRadio Also, Pandora is cool. #
  • @pandora_radio hey, your e-mail got my us rep's twitter handle wrong! You should get your money back from whoever you hired to handle that. #
  • @LuisGutierrez as one of your constituents, I ask that you support H.R.6480 and S.3609 IRFA: #FairNetRadio Also, Pandora is cool. #
  • @thetwinshadow I think that kind of extra-curricular isn't allowed by his party. #
  • On my way to Treasure Cay Lane. You'll neevr guess what state I'm in. #
  • Wendy's name wasn't even Wendy! #
  • QP turned in. So that's something. #
  • @courtyardhotels y'all really need to clean your gutters. #
  • Getting dressed up is the best. #
  • Someone ate asparagus tonight. #overshare #

  • Ugh. Pitchfork used "vinyl" as a count noun. #hipster #linguist #petpeeve #hipsterlinguistpetpeeve #
  • Average sneezes/day in US males has been increasing steadily over the past thirty years. #
  • @kellyoxford politely ask him to shave his mustache? #

  • Is there a Mendoza line for running backs' YPC? #
  • Sea otter, via @tks_smith #
  • These refs are amazing. #
  • The great thing about getting into a bike wreck today? I get to buy new stuff! #
  • Little girl at the coffee shop, on seeing me reading/highlighting an article: "he coloring mama, he color!" Yup, that's pretty much it. #
  • Speach! Speach! Speach! #
  • how can a dude with such cool glasses be so not cool? #senatorcoburn #
  • @JoseCanseco they're gonna need a dh, too! Why not be both? #
  • You can only cut a pearl with another pearl. Pretty sure that's right. #
  • I stand corrected. Pearls can only cut diamonds. Weird. #

  • The Simpsons have been on tv longer than the Redskins quarterback has been alive. #
  • Totally going to UO this weekend. #
  • "Informer" from Snow's classic album "Twelve Inches of Snow" just came on. Its gonna be a good day. #
  • There's no way Snow didn't have at least two beepers. What a cool guy. #
  • Listening to my old radio show, heard myself not knowing the name of the song I just played. Or the one before it. Or the one after it. #

  • @brettmorr I hope one of them is a shot glass to put the other one into!!! #
  • @thetwinshadow h. canoli that looks badass. texas is cool. #
  • @Zambri Your website says you're playing Red Palace this weekend in DC. Everyone else says you're playing DC9. What's up? #
  • Anyone know where I can get some local, organic aerosol cheese? #
  • Mould, Bob and Mission, Burma. DC gets rad tonight. #
  • That's a good photo, she said, she said… #
  • Mission. #
  • Actually, this *is* a photograph. #

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