Blog Archives

Tyler Cowen, who must be some sort of libertarian, wrote an article called “The Paradox of Libertarianism.” I don’t have much to say about Libertarianism, though the article is a great read. I think a lot of conservative-ish people who maybe don’t go to church a whole lot are attracted to it for a variety […]

FOR REAL. It’s totally the biggest news of the forever!!! Let’s blog about it! Actually I don’t have anything to say about it. I don’t know much about the trial, except that it was confusing and a juror got kicked out. Still though, even though there will probably be years of appeals and its likely […]

A few people may remember, several years back, some road work being done in Agua Dulce, California. The road work isn’t really memorable, but it did offer us a nice lesson in chameleolinguistics. The road work had caused the traffic to stop (and my traffic I mean the car that contained my family), and my […]

When the new Shins record came out, my first thought was along the lines of “I bet Colin is going to like this record.” I thought that because 1- Colin liked their last record, but, more importantly, 2- because he likes The Smiths. This is the smithsiest Shins record there is, and probably the smithsiest […]

Jon Swift has a great post about Conservapedia.  He does a great job looking for articles that, um…  substantiate the feeling that Conservapedia is..  uh… way better.  Especially kangaroos. I wonder if the Conservapedia will have the concept of conservafying, like wikipedia does of wikifying.  Because that is a job that, I suspect, many people […]

At The Debate Link, in a post about a recent poll, it was pointed out that “Hillary Clinton and John Edwards only beat Romney (whom Obama smokes).” I got a good chuckle out of this, as I often do, imagining my senator rolling up Romney into a giant joint, with Romney’s face aghast as he […]

Obviously, today I am just sorta blogging for blogging’s sake.  That said, I was reading Drudge and the headline says that the Scotter Libby jury “Ask For Definition to ‘Reasonable Doubt’”.  I think he should have chose “Definition of…”  I’m not really being nitpicky… I mean, I am, but only because it threw me off […]

Now that I’m back into the whole sitting in front of the computer mode again, I’ve been busily catching up on all the internews that I’ve missed so far. Language Log linked to a post by Ed Crayton from a few weeks ago about Conservapedia, a conservative answer to Wikipedia, which is apparently anti-Christian and […]

I don’t know mch about the whole financial rigamarole, but I think a solution to it would be printing new money.  Not just more money, but a new type of curency, and we could call them new dollars.  They did it in Peru- they had Nuevo Soles- new suns– which replaced the previous currency, intis, […]

So Cheney is stoked on how Ford pardoned Nixon. I can’t imagine why the current VP would be in favor of presidents pardoning ridiculously illegal activities of previous presidents.