Blog Archives

The Weekly World news will be publishing it’s last edition this week, as CBS reports.  (The article has a sweet picture!) I’ve only bought the paper once or twice in my life.  I’ve always though its headlines (which you get for free) were probably better than anything actually in the paper.  (Kinda like the Onion, […]

Don’t read this if you haven’t finished reading the last Harry Potter book.  And don’t read the rest of this post either.

The headline on Drudge was “Sex for the Motherland” and it was on its face an article about some event that was aimed at getting couples to get it on, with the goal of increasing Russia’s dwindling population.  That seems interesting enough, especially from an American perspective.  It seems funny to have a quasi-governmental group […]

A recent article in Slate discusses shoe sponsorships in China.  Nike and Adidas are doing gangbusters over there, with Adidas planning on doubling (to ~5000) the number of stores they have there.  Like the US, the shoes don’t really matter as much as the sponsorships do, so the local and foreign companies go bonkers for […]

Just when I thought she couldn’t get any less likable, Clinton picks a Celine Dion song  as the official campaign nauseator.  Granted, maybe I should wait to judge it until I figure out what Obama’s chosen.  I’d hate to make fun of Clinton, only to have to make excuses if whatshisname picks something worse.  Actually, […]

So I didn’t really flesh out why I liked Obama, other than to say that I don’t like anyone else.   I don’t want to get into the policy stuff yet, mostly because I’m lazy.  But the character thing is important.  He’s a self-made man type, who made it to all teh fancy schools as a […]

I’ve stayed away from writing anything about politics for a long time.  There’s actually been a lot I haven’t addressed, mostly cause I haven’t addressed much of anything, especially recently.  But tonight I think I will change that.  Maybe it will inspire me to write about the immigration bill, a month too late, or the […]

So here’s some shocking news: I am a vegetarian. Really shocking.  After more than a decade of abstaining, I’m living proof that a vegetarian can lead a totally fulfilling life (often too fully filled, especially when Smart Dogs are around).  Many vegetarians I know, myself included, are often asked the question, “So, like, uh..  how […]

New article about how Rudy doesn’t know how much milk costs, nor bread. His guesses were apparently wrong when compared to what sounds like a fancy grocery store on the Upper East Side, but I don’t think that really matters because everything in Manhattan is super expensive.  The article says that the cost is the […]

This past weekend I was about to write a little bit about why I liked Al Gore  so much, but I decided to wait a little longer.  I think I need to get back on the ball with that though: Al Gore is still awesome.  For example, when he was on the Hill today talking […]