Blog Archives

I looked at today’s photos just now, and for those of you who like my terrible photos, today’s gonna be a bonanza!  Seriously.  I took three pictures of the same building, and one picture of a stairway I kinda liked.  Ridiculous. Last night was another late night.  I definitely slacked off on my studying this […]

YO! I saw another V40 today.  Rad. OKAY. ALRIGHT. I kinda don’t feel like typing at the moment.  But I’m going to. So I like the hostel I’m staying at still.  There’s a bunch of native English speakers here, which is really pleasant.  I’ve met plenty of people who speak English, but it’s weird how […]

Yesterday was a big holiday, so a lot of things were closed. I was in a city called Parnu, which is a nice little beach/tourist town. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t quite so beachy, so I just spent a lot of time walking around to different closed museums and trying to avoid the rain. I did […]

Actually, I kinda like one of the photos.

I took a billion photos today.  Close to it, anyhow.  I’m just gonna post them without too much commentary, cause I’m kinda sleepy.  I think they’re all pretty self explanatory.  I took a few pictures during the bus ride from Tallinn, just to give a sense of what Estonian countryside looks like.  They’re not interesting […]

(NB!  This post is long, rambling, and rather bathroom-focused!) I wish I had done something more interesting today, but really the record shopping was the highlight.  The cold I mentioned yesterday has developed into a full-fledged sickness today.  My hope is that it’ll be two days developing, one day being actually sick (today), and then […]

Another rainy day, but now with the added bonus of having a cold! KIND OF A BUMMER! That’s okay though, because, though I’ve got a mild cold and I am a total baby about being under the weather, I’m not sick enough to stop me from studying. I spent a solid five hours at the […]

Earlier today I alluded to my first nightlife experience in Estonia.  Yike.  As a result of that night, I had something of a slow day, and may have not woken up until well after noon.  Anyhow,  Estonian bars.  I went to two, so it’s probaly not really that representative, but maybe it is?  Yeah.  What […]

Yo dudes.  Another good day! I woke up a little late, but I was up a lot later than I planned, so it’s okay.  I was just falling alseep when a very chatty Australian came in.  Not complaining, we had a very nice chat, just kinda postponed bed time awhile.  Did get up by 9:30 […]

The Bowhead whale’s mouth is 10 feet wide. The Megamouth Shark’s mouth is 1 meter wide. A hippo’s mouth can get up to 4 feet wide. An ant’s mouth is..  well, tiny.  Ants are..  well, tiny. My mouth is 5.3 cm.