Some of you (though surely not many) may remember a silly t-shirt idea I had awhile ago. I started thinking about how I actually wanted to make it yesterday, and Colin and I messed around a little bit trying to make a design that was kinda cool. We figured we would just make a stencil […]
Does anyone remember a few years ago, Sprite was using the slogan “Image is nothing, thirst is everything.” I do. The funny thing is, I think they also unveiled their new logo. So that was funny. I was thinking about image and the political campaigns. A few days ago, I posted the list of O’Jokes, […]
Yo. So I’ve like, totally got another video to show. Totally sweet.
Hey, what’s more interesting than reading my boring blog? Reading ABOUT my boring blog. Seriously. My sister was very concerned today because someone spent a long time looking at her blog, and they got to her blog via mine. Hyperlinks! Anyhow, we talked about the IP address, which I won’t publish because that’s bad form, […]
Here’s an update on the place. If it comes out funny, try watching in full screen mode. (Note: I put the video on YouTube, so now IE folks can view it without hassle. Enjoy.)
Too lazy to type. Also, too lazy to figure out why the first few seconds of the video got clipped. So it goes.
This is the first installment of what is likely going to be a non-existent series of posts with my stellar t-shirt ideas. Don’t try to steal this.
Sometime in the last few days Jessica Valenti was on the Colbert Report, to discuss a new book on why young chicks should dig feminism. This morning I watched the interview online when I was playing Daily Show/Colbert catchup. I have to get my laughs somewhere. It was great, the book looks great. Actually, Colbert […]
No time to really post now, but here are some pictures. More sooner or later. This next one obviously isn’t gardening, but the garage is awesome, too.