Blog Archives

so today a few things happened. some people at work were clamouring for a rental car, because apparently they need it and they are afraid of walking around at night in st. louis. probably they should be. anyhow, i mention that i’ve been taking the bus and that it works pretty well and gets around […]

the wizard of oz

Monday , 8, August 2005 Comments Off on the wizard of oz

so hotel life man. it is rad. well, its not. but lets get on with it. i had to walk to the laundry place today and i lost my tickets and it took like a million years to get them to give me my clothes, but then i got them, and then i walked to […]

battery power in st. louis

Wednesday , 3, August 2005 Comments Off on battery power in st. louis

so like a moron… like the moron that I clearly am… every day when i get to work, i plug in my computer to the power outlet and the phone, then i plug in my mouse and lock the computer. four cords make my computer awesome. then i unplug them all at the end of […]

so my roommate was listening to a mix cd, and it has broken social scene on it, and their song was pretty cool. so that’s that. anyhow last night I went to a work party with stephanie, and it was about what we expected… well it was a little better than i expected, so whatever. […]


Saturday , 30, July 2005 Comments Off on language

so my sister did a language thing because her friend did it and now I am doing it. I am not too surprised by my results, although I was not a huge fan of the survey. Some of the questions had “none-of-the-above” style answers, but others did not, and sometimes when I needed them. Either […]

so it is past 1 am, and i cannot sleep. so i am listening to a bit of music and i figured I would write and update folks on what is going on here in st. louis. yeah. i am in saint louis. it was named after a saint, and as far as I can […]

so I am under the impression that everyone who knows me is invincible and therefore will never die and nothing bad will ever happen to them. this belief stems from the other belief I hold which is that nothing bad will ever happen to me. Everyone I know, myself included, will all be wildly successful, […]

so. here are a list of things i should not admit to thinking about when I am out shopping in various places. 1- that girl in the record store is cute. i will go silently look at indie rock records right next to her and maybe she will want to go out with me. 2- […]

a little hungry

Wednesday , 20, July 2005 Comments Off on a little hungry

so who would have thought that I would ever be psyched about leaving my home four days a week to go to st. louis and teach computer programs a new language? i mean, teaching a computer program, the premise is pretty darn stupid, though it might actually happen. being “unemployed” or better yet “on the […]

good morning

Friday , 15, July 2005 Comments Off on good morning

Where is Cory with my keys? That is the question that I am asking right now. I accidently dropped my keys in his car, and he is supposed to come and drop them off, but he has not yet done so. Oh well. He will be here soon. This was a pretty fun couple of […]