One of my favorite things is when you misspell a URL and the website you get is somehow related to the one you meant, but obviously just some savvy webtrepreneur. I mention this because the Toothpaste For Dinner link I had was incorrect and instead took you to, with an E after tooth. It […]
As a recent commenter pointed out, I haven’t actually been a good blogger. I have two responses to that. 1- I know I’m not a good blogger. My last three blogs have proved this beyond doubt. But also, 2- I’ve been on vacation for the past several weeks, so there. I suppose I could have […]
So I will not be able to really post anything for a few days because Comcast has decided they would like me to be without internet until next Tuesday. Luckily I will be able to get online with my phone, which is sweet, but it is not enough. Please think of me when you are […]
I’ve got a web design mentor. It’s pretty sweet, except that he, despite his mentoring, still manages to steal all my ideas. Go figure.
Well I am still trying to test out the process for adding blog posts via the cell phone. I tried to send an image but it got all scrambled.
Word. So I’ve been messing around for awhile on the site today, and I created two different functions that may or may not end up being cool. The first is a little page that allows you to send me a text message. It’s kinda lame right now, but I am going to work on it […]
Well. The Thanksgiving Holiday is slowly coming to a close. It’s a shame, as it’s been a blast. I took Wednesday off, realizing that it might be the least productive day ever, so I’ve had a 5 day weekend. It was really nice not going to work. Anyhow, Wednesday I went to the grocery store […]
So I am making lasgna and ripping cds tonight, so that’s pretty cool. I went to the store today and did grocery shopping for the first time since I’ve lived at 2508frank. I bought a ton of vegetables, so I am going to try to eat them all before they go bad, which is actually […]
Um. So i just checked the log for the first time in awhile, and I saw that some viagra advertisement found the blog and posted an advertisement! I think thats pretty funny, and I really hope that it’s a legit fake viagra ad, and not something one of my friends copied from an e-mail they […]
so today is day nine. i didn’t report anything yesterday, because, as expected, i am getting bored of this diet and bored of this stupid blog. this totally isn’t a big deal. I mean, I really want good food now, I don’t think I will waste any more time on mediocre food. I want to […]