Blog Archives

This is pretty obviously a rainbow. I am testing out my blog-by-email feature on the website.

Someone just sent me a blank text message! Come on now! I’m gonna have to pull that car over if everyone doesn’t behave!

For those of you with inordinate interest in the boring things that I do/have done, I’ve decided to import my old brettlog posts into this site. The old blog was… well, I guess a lot more live-journal-esque. Not that that’s bad, but it’s… well, it’s something else. Anyhow, you’ll see that the archive is suddenly […]

I’ve officially made it a week through the cleanse as of right now, Wednesday being finally over with in Chicago.  Now I have to finally figure out when I’m going to stop.  I told myself that I had to make a decision re: duration before the weekend was over, because if I decided to end […]

It doesn’t have a $75 start up fee (It’s $40) It’s not $80 a month (It’s $40) It doesn’t require a year-long contract (Unless you want one. But then it’s cheaper) It offers a discount if you make less than 55k (Seems kinda high to me. Who makes 54k and can’t afford 40 bucks a […]

I am pretty sure MySpace was invented by the Association for Blurry and/or Grainy Photographs.

So I’ve decided to do it again. Last year, I did the master cleanse for about ten days and it was awesome, so I thought I would do it again. After spending the two weeks on vacation where I got a decent amount of exercise (sorta- I was in the sun, which feels like exercise […]

Today I went to Reckless to get the new Arcade Fire cd. I splurged and got the special edition, which contains some neat flipbooks.  I will probably blog about that later. I am going to go into my living room and really give it a good listen, read the liner notes, really get pumped on […]

If you work in Santa Monica.  The squirrels there are, apparently, out of control.

A few people may remember, several years back, some road work being done in Agua Dulce, California. The road work isn’t really memorable, but it did offer us a nice lesson in chameleolinguistics. The road work had caused the traffic to stop (and my traffic I mean the car that contained my family), and my […]