So says the AP. But it’s not all bad news. Pollution keeps it warm in the winter and shady in the summer. I was just in LA. It was beautiful. Keep up the good work, Angelenos.
So here’s some shocking news: I am a vegetarian. Really shocking. After more than a decade of abstaining, I’m living proof that a vegetarian can lead a totally fulfilling life (often too fully filled, especially when Smart Dogs are around). Many vegetarians I know, myself included, are often asked the question, “So, like, uh.. how […]
Today I went over to Jumpsuit HQ to help fold, roll, tape, label, and generally organize a new shipment of t-shirts. It was pretty fun. There were nearly a hundred shirts, maybe more, and they were in cute little stacks all over the couch. Unfortunately, we wanted to sit on the couch, so we had […]
I mentioned the cousin-crush dogs in the previous pic. Many of you will know Moxie from the pool video. She’s the blond. Gnarly is the brunette. They match their owners. Like in 101 Dalmatians.
First things first, I owe an apology to all my loyal readers for not updating for so long. Actually, that’s a lie. My loyal readers are my mother and my sister, both of whom I have seen a lot over the past weeks. Since I’ve actually seen them, it’s like whenever we were talking I […]
Quick note regarding Kurt Vonnegut’s death. The Times has a fine obit here, so that’s something. Also, in the Colbert Report yesterday, Stephen opened the show with “Welcome to the Monkey House, this is the Colbert Report.” So that was nice. Anyhow, he was pretty incredible. But if you’re saying nice things about Vonnegut, you’re […]
It says “the bandits of the night may come to visit.” So awesome.
She’s actual size. Video