So it’s probably news to nobody that I’ve been less than fully employed going on five months now. That is actually pretty awesome. Time really flies. Since I’ve been unemployed and more or less only answering to myself, I’ve been ale to spend my days and nights looking like the bum that I am. That […]
Sometime in the last few days Jessica Valenti was on the Colbert Report, to discuss a new book on why young chicks should dig feminism. This morning I watched the interview online when I was playing Daily Show/Colbert catchup. I have to get my laughs somewhere. It was great, the book looks great. Actually, Colbert […]
Remember the other day when I explained how blogging works? Something’s funny, I laugh, I link to it, you click on it, you laugh. Here we go again. These won an award for print advertising in this year’s Clios.
Yo. So I posted a handful of pictures for when I was out and about during Looptopia, but I never got around to summarizing the event. I went downtown around 5 with the intention of meeting a friend of mine for a drink, and then going to the new Reckless downtown.  We met at […]
So my sister engages in juvenile blog games. I only call it that because I don’t plan on participating, so I figure I ought to be a jerk about it so I don’t accidentally get invited to partake myself. Anyhow, apparently she got “tagged” and by being tagged she had to say 10 things about […]
This is a man I can support. Other than Taxi, I’ve never been much of a DeVito fan, though I do like him more than his twin brother. Anyhow, this story totally changed my mind. After what he went through, which admittedly wasn’t much at all, most Hollywood types would be in rehab or at […]
I mentioned last week my trip to Houston to paint. Ms. Smith has the pictures to prove it.
I’d like to thank Google Ads for making me take notice of this incredible new invention, the Cold Pole. It’s a ski pole that you can put booze in. And pretty much only booze, because anything else would freeze. This is, perhaps, the best invention ever. Falling down while skiing would be much more easy […]