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Yesterday, a summary of all the major newspapers was posted on, as they frequently do. Why is that remarkable? The author of the summary managed to reference four REM albums in the title/sub-title: Murmurs of a Reckoning: Is Petraeus out of time for his fables of the reconstruction? In the comments for the article, […]

I’d like everyone who reads this to take a moment and view the dorkiest comment ever to have appeared on my blog.

Sorry I haven’t updated anything here for awhile. For a long time, I’ve been keeping busy working on the new I’m pretty proud of the new site, it’s a lot easier to use than the old site, everything is kinda right at your fingertips, there’s a “radio station” (read: streaming audio), photos, and easier […]

Maybe this is an old advertising cliche, so maybe it’s not a big deal. I’m not sure though. When I watched this video, it bore a pretty strong resemblance to a certain Homestar Runner intro video. Thoughts? Here’s the Homestar one: They both appear naked, too. Well, sorta. Anyhow, the Simpsons jokes have been copied […]

Last Wednesday, the Drudge Report had a pretty bizarre headline. I took a screenshot… Well, it was more than a screenshot. You’ll see.

I know it’s probably (hopefully) never going to affect me, but it feels really good knowing that I wouldn’t die instantly/explode if I was in outer space without a suit.  Apparently I’d have about 15 seconds, and then I’d pass out.  Once I’m passed out, I don’t really see that anything else matters.  Still, very […]

…and all I’m going to do is link to this page. Don’t worry about any of the words, just check out the pictures. They are awesome.

Perhaps you weren’t aware, but I’m now an expert in php. By expert, of course, I mean I know how to use includes and I wrote some sweet code in php and now I’m calling myself an expert. But seriously, php is rad. I feel like someone who just started listening to the Shins when […]

This weekend I went on tour with Days Off.  A great time was had by all, and we all have to give a big thank you to Joe and Tia, not only for being in a sweet band and playing rad songs, but also for hosting an awesome house show on Friday night.  Fellow Project […]