Hey, what’s more interesting than reading my boring blog? Reading ABOUT my boring blog. Seriously. My sister was very concerned today because someone spent a long time looking at her blog, and they got to her blog via mine. Hyperlinks! Anyhow, we talked about the IP address, which I won’t publish because that’s bad form, […]
New dog! New Dog! As you may or may not remember, I found a permanent home for the last dog, Sarah, just before Thanksgiving of last year. I was dogless for awhile, perfectly coinciding with all my holiday travelling, but I’ve got a new one. Say hello to… um.. Well, I’m just calling him the […]
Colin says… “$25 is nothing to me. IÂ am so rich that i use $25 bills to make envelopes out of so I can deposit my $10,000,000 bills at the bank.” That’s awesome.
I recently had an e-mail exchange with a friend of mine, in the course of which it came to my attention that not only had I forgotten her anniversary, but also her birthday. Kudos. That got me to thinking about forgetting things and how forgetting (only for a day) my sister’s fifth anniversary made me […]
Two things. First, congratulations to Pete and Katy for winning Tracy‘s first (annual?) virtual pumpkin carving contest.  To be clear, the contest is virtual, not the pumpking carving. Perhaps it should be called a “Pumpkin Carving Virtual Contest”? The pictures are pretty good, though I think Katy’s pumpkin, which is the skull face, looks better […]
The 2007 Weblog Awards have begun. Obviously, that’s not something thats very important to me, but three of my favorite blogs are up for it. First, the Moderate Voice is a (mostly) political group blog. It’s really grown a lot in the last couple years since my sister first turned me on to it. It’s […]
So it looks like Sara will be staying with me for one more week. We’ve found a pretty good prospective adopter for her. She’ll come over on Monday and see how they get along, and if all goes well will come back on Friday to pick her up and take her to her forever home. […]
Happy Halloween! Hope everyone either gives or gets a lot of candy, depending on your current life and economic situation. To celebrate this most auspicious of holidays, my sister is holding a virtual pumpkin carving contest. Go vote for my pumpkin! Also, eat candy.
Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I haven’t written anythign substantial in more than a month. That’s not going to change just yet, though I do have something to say about Updike’s Rabbit series, my month in music, and some fun gardening pictures to add. Maybe next week. In the meantime, something tiny…I noticed this a […]
I know someone would be interested in this. I could have just e-mailed her, I suppose. But I decided to do this instead. Coming tomorrow: the results of my day in the garden with cedar mulch.