See? It’s sad. This is our last day.
We left Kotor in a really nice cab. We usually sat in the back seat, American style, and I was never sure whether the drivers thought we were being weird. Oh wait, that’s a lie, we didn’t leave it in a cab; we just took a cab to the bus station. Point it, as Becca was getting in the back seat and I was about to follow her, the driver reached over and pushed the front seat way back, so as to make room for me in the front. So I thought it would be weird if I sat in the back. So I sat in front. I forgot how front seats are way better.
Anyhow, we had to get to Podgorica the flights the next day. So we took a bus to Podgorica via Cetinje, which is the old capital. We didn’t want this to just be a travel day, and we hadn’t heard much great about P., so we figured we’d get off the bus in Cetinje and look around. Wiorst case-scenario, we ‘d break up the drive with a lunch stop.. And that’s pretty much what happened.
In Cetinje, there’s, uh.. not a lot. A monastery. A tourist office. A nice wide street with a lot of restaurants, and a fair amount of people. We wandered around for a bit, but we didn’t see much. There was a tour group there, though, with people we’d seen in Kotor, so it’s really a destination, or at least trying to become one. But.. uh, I really don’t have anything to say about it. The bus station is under construction, which means .. I don’t even know. Nice weather.
We enjoyed a final lunch of pizza and beer, which is really a great lunch. I tend to only break out the pizza-and-beer meal for dinner when I’m watching sports, but it’s a great lunch. I should start incorporating it into regular life when I get back home. Heck, it’s so good for lunch, might need to try it out as a breakfast. We’ll see. We had another nice waitress, who seemed the most American in her approach to waitressing. I don’t totally know what I mean by that, but she conspicuously rolled her eyes at customers and complained to us (in a friendly, we’re-buddies style) about the impatience of the other tables. There was also a table next to us with a long-winded German guy and two young Russian women who were super anxious to not be having lunch anymore.
See, I’m talking about lunch a lot because I don’t have much to say about Cetinje. This is the last day of a fantastic trip, and this is the highlight. Okay. Oh, we went to the tourist office, where we were given a guide to the attractions of the city in, alas, Montenegrin. It did have a helpful map.
So.. Eventually we wanted to leave Cetinje, and eventually a bus came, and we got on it. I sat next to a guy with terrible BO, which was kinda nice because it’s comforting to know it’s not you that’s making everyone miserable. It was him. He also refused to let me sit next to him until the other passengers interceded and (I think) pointed out it was the last seat on the bus. In retrospect, I wonder if the BO was some kind of strategic move.
Oh that reminds me, I had a dream about a bright blue frog, and we (dont know who) were talking about how the color was a warning to predators. And then another frog tried to eat it, a really big frog, and then the blue frog jumped onto the big frog’s back, then it changed to become a green frog, camouflage-like, and then it just kinda absorbed into the big frog’s body, but in the dream-like way in which it was clear that the formerly blue frog was actually taking over the body (and soul?) of the big green frog. Now I’m talking about a dream I had. Awesome.
We got off the bus in Podgorica a few whiles later. Then we walked to our hostel. And then we walked around Podgorica, which has no good restaurants (not that we’d be able to find them) and nearly nothing cool to see. So… kind of a bummer of a last day, but I think at this point we were kinda toured out, so maybe it’s nice that it was…. uneventful. I don’t know. It would be cool to brag about going out with a bang and meeting the archduke, etc. But we just walked around and took photos.
Oh we went to a supermarket and ordered from the prepared food counter. That was cool.
The lesson, I guess, is that if you visit the Adriatic but time doesn’t allow an afternoon in Cetinje and Podgorica, that’s pretty much okay. Apparently there’s some nice hiking trails a little outside of town, which maybe we would have done had we known about them.. but um.. I guess the vacation is.. uh. like over. Here’s a picture of the airport:
Not to be confused with Aerobactrian. (That’s terrible. That’s a terrible joke. Even if the word for Airport were “Aerodromedary” it would be a bad joke. I mean, it’s not even a joke. It’s just the first thing I thought of when I went looking for a joke, and instead of thinking even a tiny bit harder, I went with it. It’s pathetic. This is the last post, and the last actually inserted photo, and that’s what I’m doing. Yeesh. And the thing is, noticing it is not the same thing as not having done it. This long parenthetical does not make up for anything, and it should not make me feel better about myself. I mean, to be fair, I wrote that caption last night at like 1am and I was pretty tired, but nobody is that tired. Sorry.)
We went there the next day, Becca at super early o’clock and me at early afternoon o’clock. Becca went to Vienna and Frankfurt and then home. I went to Belgrade and Budapest and Debrecen. And that’s where I am now. And.. here’s the rest. Good time.