No, Not Like Spanish Custard. Flaam.

Monday , 4, July 2011 3 Comments

Norway just won the prize for looking awesome.

Today we took a bus, then we took a train, then we took another train, and we ended up in a city called Flaam, or Flam with a little circle above the ‘a’, but I’m not about to get my special characters out.

Everything about it was awesome.  The train was fun, the people were nice ansd relaxec and excited, and the scenery was epic.  Every five minutes or so I saw something that I just *had* to take a picture of, but I had to try to tone it down a little bit so that I wouldn’t bore everyone on the planet with endless pictures of blurry waterfalls.

After we got to the city, we bugged some folks on bikes, who suggested a possible bike trip for us.  We were thinking we would do it tomorrow, but the weather was so perfect today, we figured we should just do it!  We rented bikes and rode up ~20k up the mountain (pretty steep at times too!), and then back to town.  The way out took more than an hour and a half, the way back took about 25 minutes.  That kind of steep.

There were so many awesome waterfalls!  Man!  If you’re into that kind of thing..  like water and gravity, you should def. check this place out.  There’s even little mini-waterfalls-to-be where teh water is just slowly dripping off the rocky sides of the roads.  Big ones, tall ones, wide ones, skinny ones.

I think the pictures speak for themselves, but that’s not gonna stop me from dumbing them down a bit.  Oh!  My internet connection is rather okay here, I might even post the video we took today.

Oh!  I also bough a t-shirt today.  It’s kinda brown and it has an orange moose on it and it says Norge.  It’s rare that you see shirts in tourist shops that aren’t hideous, so I got this one.  It was actually kinda affordable at 69k, which is like $13.  I figured it’d be like 25.  Unfortunately, when I put it on I realized it has those “short” sleeves that come down all  the way to your elbow.  Not like baseball sleeves, but still enough to hide your ride ‘ceps.  I mean, if one had rad ‘ceps that one wanted to avoid hiding.

3 thoughts on “ : No, Not Like Spanish Custard. Flaam.”
  • tks says:

    wow. nice.
    and hazel claire says, “IT’S POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and by “says” i mean EXCLAIMS with intense excitement

  • amy! says:

    um, obviously you will be cutting the sleeves off anyway, so who cares how long they are?!


  • brs says:

    @amy– good call. I’ve been debating how this shirt will work sans sleeves. i think it will work quite nicely.